Chapter 21: Jack Kelly's POV

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It is time to show those Harlem bastards that they messed with the wrong turf. They have no idea what we have in store for them.

The younger boys wanted to help out and fight off Harlem, but I told them that they needed to stay in the Lodging House with Crutchie and Les. At first, they refused to listen to me, so I threatened that if they didn't do what I told them to do, then I would make sure that none of them would be able to walk for a month. They immediately listened to me and went inside the Lodging House. As if I would ever hurt the boys like that, especially the little ones. I never liked it when I made threats like that, but sometimes, it was the only way that they will listen to me.

And the younger ones knew that I didn't want them to be involved in fights, especially turf wars, until they were older. I know that I involved them in the strike fight that we had against the Spider and the bulls, but that was unexpected and there wasn't enough time to get them to safety. But this time, we were ready for the Harlem newsies, so there was no reason for the younger boys to be involved.

Besides, the Harlem newsies can play dirty if they want to, and the last thing that I want is for them to kidnap the younger boys and put them through the same torture that I went through. I won't allow that to happen to them or any of my other boys.

"Davey, are you sure that you want to do this? You can just stay in the Lodging House with Crutchie, Les and the rest of the little ones, and that will be fine with me"

"You kidding me, right? I am not just going to back down and run away from the fight. I am going to help you out on this"

"Thanks, Davey"

"Anytime, Jack"

"So, Jack? What is the plan?", Racer asked. 

"The plan?". They want me to come up with the plan? But I wasn't officially the leader anymore. That doesn't matter, the boys are still depending on me. "Just watch each other's backs. We all know that Harlem isn't afraid of playing dirty, especially when it came to being involved in fights, so just be careful. Other than that, just make sure that Harlem doesn't take over Manhattan"

"Got it, Jack"

"Let's do this once and for all". Slingshot and his Harlem newsies arrived at the Lodging House and we were face to face with them.

"Jack Kelly. I see that all of your youngest boys and the crip aren't here. How come?"

"Because I know that you always like to play dirty. So, of course, you would target them and kidnap them and torture them just like how you treated me. I would never let that happen to them or any of my other boys"

"It is pathetic that you still care about the so-called family that turned their backs on you and treated you like trash"

"It is called loyalty. Something that you don't seem to understand or have"

"Whatever you want to call it. Anyways, I will give you one last chance; give up Manhattan and I might let some of your boys live, including you"

"Not a chance. If you want Manhattan, then you will need to fight through all of us to have it, but we are not going to give it up willingly"

"Fine, if that is what you want. Get them!". The Harlem newsies charged at us, and some of my boys charged at them and tackled them to the ground. How did Slingshot ever think that he would win this fight? Manhattan easily outnumbered Harlem by a long shot. 

Of course, the fight ended with Manhattan as the victor, especially since most of the Harlem newsies retreated and ran back toward Harlem. Slingshot and I had a stare-down.

"You may have won this fight, Jack Kelly, but next time, you won't be that lucky. One way or another, I will take over Manhattan and you will be begging on the streets". He ran back toward Harlem and the other boys and I celebrated the victory. The easiest turf war that I have ever be involved in, and this was the only turf war that I have be involved in. 

"Remember me to never be involved in another turf war again", Davey stated.

"Well, Davey. As long as you are a newsie, then you should expect to be involved in more turf wars than this one"

"Then, maybe I should just quit"

"Like you would ever do that. You love us too much"

"Do I? Ok, maybe a little bit". I just gave him a look. "Ok, a lot a bit"


"Anyways, now what?"

"Well, we just do what we did when we won the strike: celebrate"

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