Chapter 11: Crutchie's POV/ Jack Kelly's POV

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I will never understand how Jack can just disappear like that! Where could he have possibly gone to?!

There is no way that he went back to the Lodging House. There is no way that he went back there. That was the last place that he ever wanted to step foot in. Maybe he went to Katherine's place. Or maybe Ms. Medda's theater.

Once I made it to Katherine's apartment, I knocked on her door and she answered it a second later.

"Hi, Crutchie. What can I do for you?"

"Hi, Katherine. Have you seen Jack? He just disappeared after the party and I haven't seen him since"

"No, I haven't seen him since the party either. Sorry, Crutchie, but I hope you find him"

"Thanks, Katherine". Well, that was a bust. Hopefully, he is at Ms. Medda's theater. I walked into the back entrance of Ms. Medda's theater and found her backstage. "Hi, Ms. Medda"

"Hi, Crutchie. What can I do for you, darling?"

"I just wanted to know if you have seen Jack anywhere? He disappeared from the party and I don't know where he went to"

"No, I haven't seen him". Where else could be possibly be? Maybe he did go back to the Lodging House.

"Ok. Thanks, Ms. Medda"

"I will let you know if he comes back"

"Thanks, Ms. Medda". I walked out of the theater and toward the direction of the Lodging House. If Jack went back to the Lodging House, why would he? Maybe he does miss the other boys.

Jack Kelly's POV

As I walked back toward Davey's place, I kept thinking about the boys who supported me. I can't believe that they were willing to stop selling their papers because of me. They really shouldn't have to do that for me.

The more I think about it, the more that I think that I should not have left them. I know that I am always in the middle of my decision, but this time, I am more than certain that I should not have abandoned them like that.

I turned the corner toward the shortest direction to Davey's apartment until I had the feeling that something wasn't right. There wasn't a single person on the streets, but it still felt like I was being watched.

I turned around, but when I didn't see anyone behind me or anywhere near me, I just continued to walk to Davey's apartment until I was pushed against the wall. What the heck?! At first, I thought it was a couple of the boys kidnapping me until I noticed that it was a couple of the Harlem newsies. The Harlem newsies? What could they possibly want with me? I am not worth anything to the Manhattan newsies anymore.

"Finally, we have you right where we want you. Just wait until Slingshot gets his hands on you when we bring you back to our Lodging House", one of the Harlem newsies said. There is no way that I am going to let myself be kidnapped by the Harlem newsies. I broke free from my captors and attempted to fight them, but they overpowered me and beat me up until I collapsed onto the ground.

"You are going to regret that, Kelly. Luckily, Slightshot has some big plans for you". One of them placed a rag in my mouth while the other one placed a bag over my head, then they forced me from the ground and dragged me toward their Lodging House. What am I going to do now?

Crutchie's POV

Oh, my gosh. I walked to the shortest direction toward the Lodging House just in time to witness Jack being captured by a couple of the Harlem newsies. I have to tell Davey about this. He would know what to do.

I ran back toward the direction of Davey's apartment as quickly as I possibly could. Hang on, Jack! We will save you! I don't know how, but I know that we will!

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