Chapter 14: Racetrack Higgins' POV/ David Jacobs' POV

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What does Harlem want this time? One of the Harlem boys dropped off a 'special' package with a letter on top of it, but I doubt that it could be anything that good. I have to talk about this with everyone else.

I asked all of the boys to come into the dining room for the meeting, but then, I had to ask Albert to find Davey and ask him to come to the Lodging House. Fortunately, it wasn't necessary because Davey walked in with... Why was Spot Conlon here? And is that Crutchie and Jojo? I can't believe that they came back.

Most of the others started to crowd around them, asking where have they been? If they stayed in Brooklyn? Or why they left in the first place? I pushed myself into the crowd and made my way toward them.

"Crutchie? Jojo? Where were you two?"

"That is not important right now. We have a situation. It is about Harlem", Crutchie explained.

"Harlem? We have a situation with Harlem right now. They just dropped off a package and a letter and I was just about to talk about it with everyone else"

"Well, go ahead. We might been dealing with the same situation if it is about Harlem", Davey stated. I climbed onto one of the center dining tables and got everyone's attention.

"Alright! Everyone, shut up! So, as all of us should know, Harlem has been trying to take over Manhattan for a while and have played some dirty tactics to try and take it from us". Most of the boys mumbled in agreement. "As you can see, one of the Harlem newsies stopped by the Lodging House and dropped off a package with a letter, so let's find out what they want this time"

First, I opened the letter and started to read it to myself, and I was shocked at what it said. I can't believe. They have Jack? How could they have Jack? I started to read the letter out loud to everyone. It said:

Hello, Newsies of Manhattan,

We happened to run into your former strike leader and newsie leader, Jack Kelly, on the streets. In case that you don't believe me, look inside the package that was sent with the letter and you will see a piece of proof that we have him in our control.

If you want your precious former leader to come back alive and in one piece, then be prepared to surrender Manhattan. If you don't surrender Manhattan by tomorrow night at 8, then the next time that you see your precious leader, his body will be at the bottom of the East River.


Slingshot, the leader of Harlem.

Once I finished reading the letter, I heard some of the boys cry out in shock. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe that Jack was captured by the Harlem newsies. It wasn't until I opened the package and pulled out Jack's newsie cap that it was the truth.

Some of the boys whispered at the fact that Jack was still in New York and some have questioned on whether or not Jack was alive, or if the Harlem newsies even had him in the first place.

"Ok. Settle down, everyone. It is clear on what we have to do". I am more than sure that almost everyone in the room is going to hate me for this. "... We have to get Jack back". Suddenly, there was a mixture of shocked, confused, and furious expressions. "Look, just hear me out for a second"

"Why should we save him?! There is no way that I am going to let you give up Manhattan for that traitor!", Finch shouted out. Ok, this is a mess.

David Jacobs' POV

It was not that surprising to hear Race say that we wanted Jack back, but it was surprising to hear Finch say something like that. I can't believe that he hates Jack that much that he would rather have him die than save him. I had enough of this. It is time to tell the truth.

"You know, Finch. Jack sacrificed everything for us"

"Like what? Our trust?"

"No. Do you guys really think that Jack would betray us on purpose? Have any of you ever thought for a second that he might have been forced to say that speech?". Spot Conlon stood next to me and started to defend Jack.

"Look, I am more than happy to admit that Jack can be an idiot, but as a leader myself, if anyone threatened to put my boys in danger, I would do anything to protect them, even if I am hated by them"

"So, then why do you think that Jack said that speech in the first place?"

"I don't know, he never told me when I found him sleeping in an alleyway or when he left for Santa Fe, but I think that I know Jack enough to know that he would not betray us on purpose". Some of the boys looked down in guilt when I mentioned that Jack was sleeping in an alleyway and Finch didn't ask anymore questions. "So, how are we going to help Jack?"

"I don't know, but all I know is that we are not giving up Manhattan to get him back. Jack wouldn't want that. I think that the best way to do is to fight to get him back", Race stated. I internally groaned at that. Of course, we are going to have to do that, but it will be worth it if I can get my friend back. "So, anyone have any ideas?"

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