Chapter 20: Slingshot's POV/ Jack Kelly's POV

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I have had with those Manhattan newsies. They have really crossed the line this time. I thought that I was being reasonable and nice to them by letting them choose between to save their pathetic excuse of a leader or Manhattan, and they willingly chose to save Jack Kelly in exchange for Manhattan. But then, they tricked me and even had Spot Conlon and his newsies help them out! They didn't keep their word on their side of the deal and now, it is time to show them what happens when you get on the bad side of Harlem. If we can't have Manhattan by choice, then we will have to take it by force.

"I think that we should leave them alone and forget about Manhattan, Slingshot. It is clear that, no matter what, they won't surrender Manhattan, and they easily outnumber us. If we try to fight them, then we will be crushed. Besides, I heard that more people are moving into Harlem, so we could sell more of our newspapers here", Bullseye, my second in command, stated. A sell-out and a traitor. Kind of reminds me of Jack Kelly. I hate that!

I turned around to face him and I slapped him across the face. You are a coward and an idiot, Bullseye. "Don't you dare say that to my face ever again, you understand?! Manhattan will be ours, even if we have to fight for it!"

"Why is this so important to you?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you. Now, why don't you make yourself useful for once and head over to Manhattan and tell those newsies that if they don't surrender Manhattan over to me by tomorrow, then we make sure that their blood will drip all over Newsies Square"

"Ok, Sir". I will take over Manhattan even if it is the last thing that I do and no-one is going to get in the way of that.

Jack Kelly's POV

It was almost time for all of the boys to head to bed and, as usual, I had to be the one who needed to round everyone up and make sure that they all went to bed on time, especially the younger ones. How did Racer managed to make everyone head to bed on time without me? Since I told all of the boys that I would be spending the night, the younger ones and some of the older ones wanted me to sleep in the same bedroom as them, but I told them that next time I would do that, but for tonight, Finch wanted me to sleep with him on the penthouse. Would there even be a next time? It was almost time for Crutchie, Jojo and I to head back to Santa Fe, but I sort of don't want to leave anymore, and I am certain that Crutchie and Jojo don't want to leave anymore either. I made up with everyone, so there was no point in me leaving anymore.

Crutchie decided that he wanted to stay at the Lodging House for the night while Davey went back home. Because Finch wanted to be on the penthouse, Crutchie stayed in his former bedroom. We were all about to head to bed until we heard someone knocking on the door. Who could that possibly be at this hour?

I opened the door and it was Bullseye, Slingshot's second in command.

"What the hell do you want?!". Normally, I would not use swear words when the younger ones were around, but I was too upset to care about that right now.

"Just here to do my job: deliver the news"

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"Slingshot is at his wit's ends. He said that if you don't surrender Manhattan to him by tomorrow, then he will take it by force". So, he wants to fight for Manhattan? Fine by me. I will never let my boys suffer out there on the streets because some wisecracking leader took their jobs and home away from them.

"Well, tell him if it is a fight that he wants, then it is a fight that he will get". I slammed the door right in front of Bullseye's face before he could say anything else. I turned around and all of the boys were looking at me. "Well, what are you all waiting for? Get to bed! We have a long day ahead of us". I went to the penthouse and joined Finch on the top of it. "I hope that slingshot of ours will come in handy. Because we will need it"

"What happened?"

"Slingshot's second in command came and said that if we don't surrender Manhattan tomorrow, then he will fight to take it from us"

"We are going to fight for Manhattan, aren't we?"

"Of course, we are! But don't worry about that tonight. Just get some sleep and then, we will show Harlem what happens when they mess with Manhattan"

"Goodnight, Jack"

"Night, Finch"

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