Chapter 6: Slingshot's POV/ Jack Kelly's POV

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So, it looks like that Jack Kelly isn't as tough or brave as he wanted everyone to think that he is. If he was, then he would not have ran off to wherever he went to when things got too tough for him.

Oh, well. That is too bad. I would have loved to kidnap him and force him to watch as Manhattan fell under Harlem's control, but at least he won't be able to get in the way. Those Manhattan newsies won't know what will hit them.

"Slingshot, there are some news that you might want to hear about"

"What is it?"

"It seems that Jack Kelly has came back to Manhattan"

"Really?". Was Jack Kelly really that much of an idiot to come back to Manhattan? Especially in the middle of a turf war?

"Yes, we were at the train station and one of the boys saw him get off the train with the crip and one of the younger Manhattan newsies"

"Interesting. Did any of you happen to hear what he said about where he was going?"

"No, we haven't"

"So, what are you waiting for?! Go out there and find him! Or better yet, find all of them! I love to see how the Manhattan newsies would react to three of their most important newsies used as hostages. Looks like we might be able to take control of Manhattan sooner than I thought"

"Got it". You better watch out, Jack Kelly. Because as soon as I get my hands on you, you won't be able to escape me this time. I will make sure of it.

Jack Kelly's POV

I can't stop thinking about the boys. I want to, but I can't. No matter how many times I want to forget them, they will never leave my mind.

Maybe I shouldn't have left them, especially when we are still dealing with the Harlem newsies. Wait! The Harlem newsies! I forgot about them! How could I forget about them?! Those idiots have been talking about taking over Manhattan ever since the strike ended and I just forgot about them?!

Maybe that was what Davey was about to say when he mentioned that the boys have changed. Maybe they are losing the fight with Harlem and I just abandoned them in their time of need. I need to help them. I have to help them. They are still my brothers no matter what and I wouldn't call myself a good older brother or strike leader if I didn't help them.

But I can't do it by myself. There is no way that I could go back to the Lodging House when I am probably still the most hated newsie there. I am going to need some help. Someone from the inside. Someone who could help sneak me inside. And I know just the perfect person who could help me.

I was immediately woken up when the morning bell rang. It is going to take a lot of time before I can get that stupid bell out of my head, but there is no time for that! I need to find Davey and have him help me sneak inside the Lodging House. He is my only chance of doing this.

I stood up from the couch, but I had the feeling that something wasn't right. I looked around and saw that Crutchie and Jojo weren't here. Weird. Where could they have possibly gone? I walked outside, then I saw Katherine, Ms. Medda, Sarah, Les, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Davey, Crutchie, and Jojo outside.

"Surprise!", all of them, except Crutchie and Jojo, shouted.

"What is going on?"

"It is a welcome back party for you, Crutchie, and Jojo", Les answered.

"Really? Thanks, guys". I would love to enjoy the celebration, but I have to talk to Davey about sneaking inside the Lodging House. But, maybe there is a little time for cake. After I had some cake, I found Davey and asked me to meet me inside. "Davey, I need to ask you something, and I know that it may be surprising hearing it from me, but I really need your help"

"It is not anything illegal, right?"

"Of course not!"

"Ok, what is it?"

"I need you to help me sneak into the Lodging House"

The Disgraced Newsie: Part 2( Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now