Chapter 3: Jack Kelly's POV/ Crutchie's POV

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"Do you guys have everything?", I asked.

"Yes, I have everything, Jack", Crutchie responded.

"Me too", Jojo responded.

"Crutchie, do you have the tickets?"


"Do you guys have your money?"



"All of your bags?"



"Both of you remember your fake names, right?"

"Yes, we do, Jack. Do you want to go back to New York or not?"

"Of course, I want to go back. Why would you ask something like that? What makes you think that I don't want to go back?"

"Well, you are kind of stalling a little bit"

"Stalling? I am not stalling"

"You kind of are a little bit, Jack"

"Look, Jack. If you don't want to go back to New York, then you don't have to. We can just send another letter to Davey and tell him that--"

"No, I don't want to cancel. That wouldn't be fair to Davey or anyone else who still cared about us and expected us to come back. Besides, I spent a lot of money on these tickets and I don't want them to be wasted"

"Then what is the problem, Jack? Are you afraid of New York or something?"

"No, I'm not afraid of New York. It is just... It is just the other boys. I'm worried that they will find me and I'm certain that they still hate me"

"Jack, come on. We are only going to be there for a week or two, and we are going to be staying at Davey's apartment. I doubt that you would ever run into any of them"

"You can't blame me for being too careful, Crutch. After everything that they did to me, I don't want to be put through that again. Besides, I am still being hunted down by all of them, so I sort of have to be careful"

"I know, Jack"

"Besides, it wasn't just me who was gone for three months, you two have been gone too, so they might think that I might have kidnapped you two or something like that"

"I seriously doubt that they would think that"

"I don't know about that. I wouldn't put it past them to think something like that"

"Well, I am certain that we don't have anything to worry about. Now, come on. We kind of have a train to catch"

"Alright. Let's just get this over with, so I don't have to risk dealing with them anymore"

"Let's go back to New York!". We headed down to the train station and waited for the train. Once it arrived, we handed in our tickets and went to our seats. Well, I guess that this was bound to happen sooner or later, and to be honest, I am kind of curious about what has changed in New York since we were gone.

And as much as I didn't want to admit it, I kind of want to know how the boys are doing and what has happened to them since we have been gone, but at the same time, I don't want anything to do with them. While I still consider them my brothers, they still hurt me and I don't think that I could ever forgive them for that. Well, I could probably forgive them for it, but I don't think that I could ever forget it.

The train finally stopped at the station in Manhattan. Well, it was time to get this over with. Crutchie, Jojo, and I got off the train and stepped onto the streets of Manhattan, New York.

"Well, home sweet home. Nice to see that nothing much has changed"

"Yeah, it is still the same rat-infested and smelly place that we left behind. I am starting to reconsider my decision on coming back here"

"Come on, Jack. Lighten up a little. You have to admit that you missed Manhattan a little bit"

"... No. Come on, let's head to Davey's apartment"

Crutchie's POV

Like I will ever believe that, Jack. I know that you missed Manhattan whether you wanted to admit it or not, specifically the other boys.

Once we arrived to Davey's apartment, Jack knocked on the door and Les opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he immediately jumped onto Jack and hugged him.

"Jack! You came back!"

"Of course, I did. I promise that I would come back, didn't I?". Davey and Sarah came out of the apartment and hugged Jack.

"Jack, welcome back. How was Santa Fe?", Davey asked.

"Santa Fe was fine. Has anything changed since the time we have been gone?"

"Jack, you all have been gone for three months. I doubt that anything changed"

"Well, you never know"

"Well, maybe some things have changed with the other newsies"

"What about them?". Seriously, Davey? Did you have to mention them? Those are the last people that Jack wants to hear about.

"Never mind. I don't think that you would want to hear about them right now. Anyways, come in. I am sure that all of you are exhausted from the trip"

"You don't have to tell us twice". We stepped inside the house and we immediately sat down the couch. JoJo started to fall asleep and I wasn't that far behind him. Jack, on the other hand, didn't look that tired. If anything, it looked like he had something on his mind. He sort of looked like that when we left for Santa Fe.

Well, maybe it is nothing to worry about. Jack always somehow manages to be fine in the end. Despite everything that happened to him, he will always be fine.

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