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. . . the embrace of coldness

— NEVER ONCE SINCE starting their education at Cross Academy had Zero missed a day of class

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— NEVER ONCE SINCE starting their education at Cross Academy had Zero missed a day of class. So, the question of where he was wandered in everyone's minds. Mio frequently tried to prevent herself from turning around during class. It was weird that Zero wasn't seated behind her, sleeping through the teacher's lesson. 

The morning routine was strange without Zero. It had only been her that went to talk with the Headmaster when it's usually the both of them. The strangeness only grew when the Headmaster avoided her questions and asked her to attend her lessons. 

Mio was confident she had a lost puppy face as she went through the day without Zero. Actually, she knew she did. Yori wasn't one to hold back, you're a lost puppy without Zero, her orange-haired friend remarked during lunch when Mio glanced around the lunch room every five minutes (yes, she was counting) for a glimmer of silver hair. 

Hearing the school bell dismiss everyone, she groaned and placed her head on her desk. Where was Zero? 

Yori hummed, staring at Mio from the corner of her eye. "Doesn't Zero always appear for the crossover? He usually hates to leave you to deal with the Night class by yourself," she calmly stated. 

"You're right!" She exclaimed, a wide smile on her pink lips. Mio hugged Yori before running down the stairs and out of the classroom. 

Yori sighed, shaking her head. She hoped Zero would be at the crossover, she couldn't imagine the disappointment Mio would feel if he wasn't. "That good for nothing boy, I'll beat him up if he's not at the crossover," she muttered. 

During the crossover, the fangirls had been unusually calm. Mio suspected it was her and the dejected look on her face when she realized Zero wasn't there and didn't appear like he always did. 

"She looks so sad," 

"Zero and she are always with each other,"

"It must be weird-"

"-like losing a part of yourself,"

Leading the vampires to their class, Mio didn't interact with them and it was obvious her body was moving automatically, already familiarized with the routine. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she wondered where Zero could have gone.  

The headmaster refused to answer any questions about what happened after she left. He wouldn't tell her anything else about Yagari or his purpose on school grounds. He definitely stayed quiet about Zero. The headmaster had pursed his lips so hard, they lost color. When Mio asked about Yuki's out of character behavior, he sighed and muttered that she'll be fine in a few months. 

Was Mio ready to lose her mind? Yes

Is she allowed to lose her mind? Yes, but it won't be pretty

Watching the Night Class enter their classroom, Mio remained in her mind. She ignored the curious looks the vampires gave her, huffing in slight annoyance. She could feel her patience growing thinner. 

After the last night student entered and the classroom door was closed, Mio walked away. She kept her gaze forward until her eyes caught sight of a familiar dark-haired man. With nothing to lose, Mio strode towards him. Her fingers wrapped around his forearm and with all her strength, she halted him in his steps. 

A smirk curled on her lips when her sherbert pink eyes clashed with cold icy blue eyes. "Yagari, perfect. Just the person I needed to see," Mio's cheery voice echoed throughout the hall. "I believe we have a reason to talk," 

Yagari removed Mio's hand from his arm. He rolled his eyes at the girl's action - as if he would be intimidated by her. "I have no reason to speak to you, little girl," He replied, uncaring. Walking around her, he lowered his body when the whish of a swung staff reached his ears. 

Spinning around, he glared down at Mio. The lavender-haired girl was glaring back at him. Her eyes displayed nothing but hostility and irritation. Her white staff clutched tightly between her hands and her muscles tense, ready to attack if needed. 

"Oh no, Yagari. I think you misunderstood - I wasn't fucking asking," Mio managed to say through her clenched jaw. 

∘ ─── ♡༉ ─── ∘


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I didn't realize the last time I updated was July 2022. I genuinely thought I updated in September or October. I apologize, Floral Kiss and Wattpad slipped my mind. I progressively got busy and had little time to write. I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of writing for Floral Kiss again. Please continue to be patient with me. 

Fun fact! Mio's weapon being able to change into a staff was inspired by the DC Comic character Tim Drake! His weapon is a bo staff and he is the best wielder of it. He's my favorite Robin and I adore him 🥺

Moving on, I have exciting news - I have a new vampire knight story! I mentioned the new book in a prior chapter. I am excited to announce it only needs little touching up and I will publish it! So, if you would like to read it, be on the lookout for it. 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned!

With love,

𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 ୭ vampire knightWhere stories live. Discover now