Part 1

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The smell of oil and sweat filled my nose as I began working on the cars that were brought into the garage. TM was filled with cars that needed to be fixed and with how the hot the weather was, it was not ideal to wear an overall.

"I can't believe you thought it was a good idea to get matching overalls with you." I chuckled.

"I just wanted everyone to get the memo that I am your best friend. I know how everyone can get, especially Jax and Opie." Tig chuckled back.

"Well thanks to you, I'm sweating my tits off" I stated taking my overalls off revealing a white tank top as I tied the sleeves around my waist.

"I don't see why you are complaining since you are sweating in style" Tig smirked.

Tig and I continued to talk and laugh as Gemma walked out of the office joining us in our conversation.

"Everything okay?" I asked looking up from the car I was working on.

"It's Wendy. Junkie bitch must of shot up as she was rushed into Saint Thomas." Gemma answered as Tig and I looked at each other.

"Does Jax know? What about the baby?" Tig and I said in unison.

"Yeah Jax knows. I am meeting him at Saint Thomas to find out about the baby" Gemma spoke before she made her way over to her car.

"Ring me the second you found out about Nugget" I called out which Gemma nodded in return.


Closing the garage for the day, Tig and I walked arm-in-arm to the clubhouse as we watched everyone getting for a party.

"I'm so glad that there is a party tonight" I smiled

"Me too" Tig smiled back.

"Why is the guys from Tacoma here? Is everything okay with the club?" I asked slightly looking over at Tig.

"Everything is fine. It's just club business" Tig replied as I hummed.

"I don't see why you are that bothered since Happy is here with them" Tig smirked.

"Whatever" I scoffed making my way inside the clubhouse as Tig joined some of the guys at the picnic tables.

A while had passed and the party was in full swing. I was stood by the ring watching Happy and Tig fight. They had managed to get quite the crowd. Tig shot a wink at a crow eater which gave Happy the perfect opportunity to punch Tig in the face. Placing my beer to my lips, Jax softly put his hand on my shoulder as I continued to watch the fight.

"How's Nugget?" I asked

"He's fine. He has to have a couple of operations but he's a fighter" Jax smiled.

"I knew he would have the Teller fighter in him" I smiled back.

"Yeah he has and he will have enough more of a fighter in him once he meets you" Jax laughed knowing that I was known for starting fights and causing trouble.

The fight came to an end as I was sat with Opie and Chibs when Tig and Happy joined us.

"Where's Jax? He already left?" Tig asked taking the beer from me and placing it to his lips.

"He left not that long ago. I guess he didn't want to stick around for that long" I stated stealing my beer back from Tig.

Chibs ordered one of the crow eaters to get more beer as Opie, Happy and I laughed at something that Tig said.

"I still don't know how you have managed to get the crow eaters to be scared of you without having to fight any of them" Tig laughed as he watched the crow eater place the beers on the table before quickly walking away.

"Because it was no secret she was on death row motherfucka" Opie laughed as I shook my head.


The party had come to an end as everyone had turned in for the night. Everyone had either gone home or crashed at the clubhouse. Opie, Chibs and Tig had also left which left Happy and I still at the picnic tables.

"I heard something about you going nomad. Is everything okay?" I asked

"Ma is real sick. She is in a home in Bakersfield. Wanted to spend more time with her." Happy spoke with a sad look on his face.

"I thought that she was getting better"

"She was but you know how quickly things change."

"If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask me." I offered as Happy nodded his thanks.

"Ma has been asking about you" Happy stated.

"She has? I know she has tried ringing me a couple of times but TM has been really busy so I have not had the chance to ring her back." I replied.

"Yeah she had been asking how you are and when you are coming to see her next. When you are free, I will take you to see her." Happy commented.

"I would like that very much" I smiled

I hugged Happy goodnight before we both turned in for the night.

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