Part 14

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The sound of knocking on my door woke me up as I grumbled towards the door spotting Gemma on the other side of it smiling.

"Morning baby -- Everyone is gathered in the main room for a welcome home party for Abel. We wanted to wait to have the party until you came home." Gemma commented

"I'll be right there" I slightly smiled, knowing that if I refused, Gemma would have my head.

Slipping on a pair of joggers while I wore one of Happy's samcro tops, I headed into the main room of the clubhouse where everyone was gathered. The party had already started as everyone was talking and laughing with plates full of food in their hands.

Entering the room, a couple of people had spotted me as I placed myself beside Tig, who was stood by the bar, smiling at me as I approached.

"Look who we have got here little man" Clay spoke as he wandered over to me with Abel in his arms.

Clay placed Abel in my arms causing a huge smile to appear on my face as everyone looked over with wide eyes and smiles.

"I hope you haven't missed me too much Nugget." I smiled as Abel wrapped his tiny fingers around a piece of my hair as he looked up at me.

"It may be a wee bit small by now." Clay smirked as he placed Abel's samcro hat on top of his head as everyone laughed and smile at the gesture.

The party continued as I was sat by the bar with Abel still in my arms with Happy stood on my left eating some food. I didn't noticed Jax wandered over to me as I was pulling funny faces at Abel causing him to giggle.

"I'm glad that you came. I didn't think you was going to come out of your room when Gemma said she was going to inform about the welcome home party." Jax stated.

"You should know by now that I never miss out on a party, especially one thrown for Nugget." I smiled

"You know that he has a name, right?" Jax smirked

"I know but you already know that's not going to stop me from calling him Nugget" I smirked back

"Hey, Lyla's got something she wants to say." Opie called out causing everyone fell silent.

"We're getting married." Lyla smiled as she showed off her engagement ring.

"No fucking way!" Jax and I said in unision as we walked over to Opie hugging both him and Lyla.

Everyone began to drink a shot as we celebrate Abel being home and Opie's engagement to Lyla. In that moment, I was at my happiest considering the recent events. I had Abel in my arms and my brother found love again.

The party came to an end as I handed Abel back to Jax, I began cleaning up the clubhouse with Gemma as the garage wasn't open for the day. I wandered over to the bar removing the empty beer bottles placing them in a black bag as I spotted Piney sat at the end of the bar smiling at me.

"What you smiling at?" I questioned

"I'm glad to see you happy again. I didn't think I was going to see you smile and laugh for a while." Piney commented.

"Neither did I" I smiled

Placing the black bag on the floor, I sat next to Piney as I poured us some shots.

"Why didn't you tell me that you adopted me?" I questioned putting the shot to my lips.

"I knew how hard it was for you to accept the club as family considering what Terry is like and I didn't want to freak you out." Piney answered

"A few months after I moved into the clubhouse, I figured that someone in the club had adopted me and that's why social services never came knocking so it wasn't really that surprising when I found out." I explained as Piney poured us more shots.

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