Part 27

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Today was the day that Jax, Opie, Chibs and Tig would be arrived back at the clubhouse after being released from prison. Since I didn't know what time they would be coming, I had asked Happy if we could go to the clubhouse earlier than usual as I wanted to make sure the place was nice and tidy when they got back which Happy agreed to as he had some last minute club business to deal with before Jax, Chibs, Opie and Tig came home.

It wasn't a long journey from the house to the clubhouse so it didn't take long for Happy and I to arrive. When walking into inside the clubhouse, it was quiet and only a few of the guys were dotting around. As Happy went off to Bobby, I headed to get some cleaning supplies before I started to clean the clubhouse.

By the time that I had finished cleaning the main room of the clubhouse, Happy was still in the chapel with a few of the guys talking about club business as I heard my phone ring which when I looked at my phone, I noticed that it was the prison calling. As I answered the call, I began to remove the cloth from my hand and placing it on top of the bar as I listened to the other person on call.

"Miss Milkovich, we are calling to inform you that Opie Winston had been killed in an prison accident. We're so sorry." The prison stated

As the words slipped out the person's mouth, the phone didn't hesitate to slip out of my mouth before I started to cry which came out as a low scream. By the time that my knees collapsed on the floor, the guys rushed out the chapel to see where the noise was coming from which they spotted me on the floor sobbing.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Letty. What happened?" Happy questioned, pulling me into his arms

"It's....Opie....he's....dead" I stuttered leaving wide eyes to appear on the guy's face.

A moment had passed and I was still sobbing in Happy's arms causing him to gently lifted me and guided me over the couch. The guys was stood around the bar trying to process Opie's death as Happy place both of us on the couch before I rested my head on his lap leaving him to stroke my hair as I continued to cry.

Barely half an hour had gone by and Jax, Chibs and Tig had arrived back at the clubhouse after being released from prison. The prison handed over Opie's body to Skeeter for him to prepare for the memorial that is taking place later on in the day.

When making their way over to the clubhouse, Jax was greeted by Tara and the boys which left him to swoop a very happy Abel up in his arms as he kiss Tara on the lips which she didn't hesitate to return.

"I'm so sorry" Tara softly spoke

"I'm gonna need you to check in on Lyla. The county made the call this morning." Jax ordered

"Okay. I'll drop the boys off at day care and push a few appointments." Tara agreed

"Thanks. Let her know about tonight. If she needs anything at all" Jax ordered again as Tara nodded in return.

"Does Gemma know?" Tara questioned

"No. I'll tell her." Jax shook his head in response

By the time Jax had finished greeting Tara and the boys, Jax kissed Tara again as he handed Abel back over her before heading into the clubhouse. Making his way into the main room of the clubhouse, Jax immediately spotted me on the couch cuddle up to Happy's side as a couple of tears were stuck on my face. Jax didn't think twice about heading over to where Happy and I were sat and placing a kiss on the top of my head as he mumbled a 'sorry'. As guilty as Jax was feeling, he called a church to discuss club business.

"I won't be long in church." Happy spoke as the guys piled into the chapel.

"I think I'm going to sit at the picnic tables outside to get some fresh air." I stated

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