Welcome to the ~Chaos~ of Devildom

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In the Devildom -3 Worlds Collide- group chat:

Hey guys! :(Y/N)

Beel: Hi (Y/N)! *munch* *munch*

Asmo: Hello (Y/N) dear! Care to go shopping with me later?

Satan: (Y/N), you should come to my room and read this book I read. You'd like it.

Levi: (Y/N), come play this new game with me!!

Mammon: (Y/N)! My human! Did you miss The GREAT Mammon and need my attention?

Asmo: (Y/N) is my human! They love me more!

Mammon: No way! I'm their FIRST remember!!!

Satan: ...please stop saying it that way. It sounds so wrong. 

Levi: ^

Asmo: OOH~! Their first hmm~~

Satan: ASMO--

Asmo: Okay, okay...I get it. Y'all are no fun *hmph*

Belphie: STOP. BLOWING. UP. THE. CHAT! I'm trying to sleep. *sleepy & angry Belphie noises*

Beel: Sorry Belphie... Want some food?

Belphie: It's not your fault, Beel. Please eat it for me. I'm so sleepy...

Beel: Okay :) *munch* *munch*

Belphie: (Y/N)... Come cuddle with me.

Luci: Would all of you please stop blowing up the group chat? I'm trying to finish up my paperwork for Lord Diavolo.

Satan: How about no?

Belphie: ^

Luci: *sigh* I have a headache...

Dia: Hello everyone! :D

Barbs: My lord, I thought you were doing your paperwork? :)

Dia: I'm taking a small break then finishing it afterwards

Barbs: Of course, my lord

Luke: (Y/N)!!!! Wanna bake a cake with me today? Barbatos gave me a new recipe and I want to try it out!

Simeon: Hello (Y/N)

Solomon: (Y/N)! I have a new potion I want you to drink!! You can test it for me if you come and visit Luke okay?

No way! The last time you made me test out a potion for you, you turned me into a sheep for a week! :(Y/N)

Anyway, I wanted to ask you all if you wanted to go visit the Human Realm with me next weekend as a mini getaway vacation for all of us to relax and spend time together :D :(Y/N)

Luci: While I appreciate the thought of us going with you to the Human Realm, I have a lot of paperwork that needs to get done, and the rest of us have important tasks to do. Aren't you going to be taking care of some things while you're there as well?

Yes, however; I would like to show you guys some of my favorite places as well :(Y/N)

Dia: That sounds like fun. I wish to go with you (Y/N)!

Barbs: My lord... Your paperwork :)

Dia: ...can't it wait? :/

Luci: Lord Diavolo, it is imperative that we complete the paperwork on time. We are already behind as it is...

Mammon: Of course THE GREAT MAMMON will accompany ya, (Y/N)!

Satan: She was speaking to all of us, you know?

Levi: I can't concentrate on my game with my phone buzzing! *angry Levi noises*

Solomon: Backread a bit, Levi

Levi: oh... Would you really want to go the human world with a yucky otaku like me?

Asmo: There's so much shopping we can do in the human world! Of course I'll go (Y/N) ;)

Simeon: I think getting to explore the human world with you sounds like an amazing idea, (Y/N). Luke and I will gladly join you

Luke: YAAY!! Trip with (Y/N)!

Beel: HUMAN FOOD!! My belly and I can't wait :) *happy Beel noises*

Belphie: If Beel is going, then I'm going too... zzZZZz

Satan: Count me in as well. (Y/N), you can show me all of your favorite books at the bookstores. I've always wanted to know more about human pieces of literature.

Solomon: It would be nice to visit the Human Realm again. It could just be the two of us (Y/N) ;)

Mammon: Hell nah!

Satan: ^For once, I agree with Mammon

Belphie: ^...same

Asmo: ^

Beel: ^

Levi: ^Stupidmammon is right for once? Who knew?!

Mammon: OI! Respect your older brother!

Satan: When sheep fly...

Belphie: Then we'll respect you.

Luci: ...My brothers will only cause chaos in the Human Realm. If they are going, I must accompany them to ensure (Y/N)'s safety and to keep them out of trouble. However, in order to stay on track, I'm afraid we're going to have to work even harder to get everything finished before we leave Devildom.

Dia: Then it's settled! We shall head up to the Human Realm with (Y/N) next weekend. Barbatos, please make the arrangements.

Barbs: Very well, my lord.

Yay! This is gonna be so much fun! You won't regret it, I promise! :D :(Y/N)


Thank you all for reading my first group chat scenario! Let me know what you thought of it and if I should do more of these in the future. I do plan on making a part 2 of this in the future! This was also somewhat inspired by some videos on YouTube where MC has conversations with everyone, but the ideas/writing is my own. Hope you all have a fantastic day/night and that you all enjoyed my first attempt at writing this. I also apologize for any OOC (out of character) that I may have written. 

Bye!   ~Author-chan<3

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