Diavolo x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You ran through the halls of RAD, desperate to catch up with Mammon, who was determined to get back to the House of Lamentation, with your wallet in hand. You had been saving up Grimm for months, working your ass off, because you wanted to buy everyone a present before you left at the end of the year. And now Mammon had a good chunk of it in his hands, the rest being back in your room, hidden under one of the floorboards in a box.

"I SWEAR, WHEN I CATCH UP TO YOU MAMMON, YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS!" You screamed at him, seeing his white hair disappear around a corner. You heard his cackling laughter echo off the walls, not scared of you whatsoever. You thought about borrowing some of Satan's wrath to show him how upset you were, but decided that it might be best to have him help you get revenge instead, especially if Mammon managed to spend any of it before you got it back.

You cranked up the speed, hoping to catch him before that was the case. Instead, after zooming around the corner after Mammon, you slammed straight into a wall and fell backwards onto the floor, pain shooting through you. At least, that's what you thought before noticing that the so-called wall was wearing a red RAD uniform and had golden eyes that were staring down at you, concerned.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Diavolo asked you reaching out a hand two help you stand up. You gladly took it and forced yourself up, wincing.

"I'm so sorry, Lord Diavolo! I had no idea you were there and I was so focused on catching up to Mammon, I didn't see you at all. Did I hurt you at all?" You asked him, worriedly checking to see if he had any injuries. 

Diavolo smiled softly at you, shaking his head. "I told you, (Y/N). Please just call me Diavolo. And I can assure you, I am completely fine and unharmed from you bumping into me. Now, why were you trying so hard to catch up with Mammon?"

You sorrowfully told him about the situation, knowing Mammon was long by now and there was no chance you'd be seeing that chunk of Grimm again. 

"I guess I'll just have to work even harder to make up for it." You sighed, hugging yourself as you looked down at your shoes.

"Don't fret, (Y/N). I'm sure you'll remake the Grimm you lost in no time at all. Why do you need that much Grimm in the first place?" Diavolo asked you, putting two fingers under your chin so that you would look at him again.

"Well... I wanted to surprise everyone with presents before I left to go back to the Human World, so that you all would have something to remember me by..." You told him, an embarrassed blush on your cheeks. You avoided looking directly into his eyes, not knowing how he would respond.

The truth was that you had feelings for the Prince of Devildom, but you couldn't bring yourself to ever tell him how you felt because you thought it might hurt his image if he somehow also wanted to be with you too. Thus, admitting this information to him about buying him a present made you even more nervous.

"(Y/N)... That's so sweet of you. How about I help you pick out gifts for everyone tonight?" Diavolo asked you with a smile, looking at you after crossing his arms comfortably over his chest.

"T-tonight?!" You stuttered in surprise. "But don't you have a lot of paperwork to do and meetings to attend?"

Diavolo chuckled and opened his arms towards you. "Of course! I will speak to Barbatos and have things moved around. Besides, getting to spend time with you (Y/N) is much more important to me than those matters."

You flushed at his words, concerned about how Barbatos would react to Diavolo's sudden change in plans. More importantly, you quickly realized, Lord Diavolo never mentioned how the two of you would be paying for the gifts.

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