Satan x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You grumbled as you made your way downstairs, annoyed that the book you had been reading had left you on a cliffhanger. As it was a book series from the Human World, you knew that until you went back to visit, there would be no way to find out what happens next. You knew you should've bought the next book as well... 

Ugh! Why does this always happen to me?, you thought to yourself as you reached the dining room where the brothers were waiting for you to join them.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Asmo beamed, glowing as always. 

"Good morning, Asmo..." You said, trying to clear the grumpiness out of your voice, but were unsuccessful in doing so.

"What's wrong, love? Are you feeling alright?" Asmo asked you, concerned.

"They're fine. They're frustrated because of how their book ended, seeing as they didn't put it down once yesterday." Satan said, his face buried in a book as well. He looked over the pages and made eye contact with you. "I told you that you should've bought the next one while we were in the Human World, (Y/N)."

"Okay, geez. I know, you were right. I didn't have that much money on me though!" You sighed, placing your head in one of your hands, resting your arm against the table.

"Liar..." Satan muttered, causing you to roll your eyes and groan. 

Satan knew you almost too well, but you were too stubborn to admit it at the moment. Satan was the only one out of the brothers that you thought could truly understand you. Not to mention, his blonde hair, green eyes and intellectual nature was what attracted you to him.

Your feelings for him had begun several months ago after you feel asleep on his shoulder while reading on the couch you were sharing in the library. You had woken up in his arms with his shawl draped over you and him smiling at you. Your face flushed scarlet at the memory. 

You stood up from the table and quickly made your way to the front door, hiding your face from the brothers. However, you were mainly concerned about the demon you had feelings for seeing your flustered appearance. "I'll see you at RAD." You called out over your shoulder, throwing  your school bag over your shoulder.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Time Skip*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ugh, this class is so boring, you thought to yourself, huffing and leaning onto your desk, your chin resting on the palm of your hand. You had to say that the History of Devildom course was the most uninteresting course, as you had mad Satan go over everything with you when you had first arrived in Devildom. Of course, the professor's monotone voice didn't help the matter either, as it was almost lulling you to sleep.

It was only fifth period, the period after which you had lunch with everyone. You couldn't believe you didn't grab another book to occupy your mind before you had left for RAD. Now you were stuck with utter boredom. You wished you could escape, and perhaps visit the Human Realm while you were at it to get the next book. However, Lucifer would positively kill you for skipping any classes at RAD, so that was out of the question.

Perhaps you could sweet talk Lucifer into letting you go this weekend... You began to formulate a  plan in your mind, and made notes in your journal about how to accomplish what you wanted. When you had finished, the bell rang, signaling you to head to your next class. Now, all you had to do was begin to get Lucifer in a good mood before you could ask him, as that was when he was most cooperative.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Time Skip*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On the way home from RAD, you had picked up one of Lucifer's favorite treats -- Princess's Poison Apple. You planned on leaving it in his study on his desk with a note, just to get him thinking of you. Then, while you waited for Lucifer to return to read it, you would tackle some of the house chores and do a perfect job in order two make Lucifer proud of you. 

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