Levi x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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(G/N) means gender neutral for those who do not know :)

(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

"Yes (Y/N)! We did it! We beat the final boss!!!!" Levi screamed in excitement at the top of his lungs, throwing his arms up into the air while still holding his Devilbox controller. 

The two of you had been hanging out in his room for hours, trying to successfully complete his entire new game from Akuzon, Why be a Sorcerer when you can be a Demon Sorcerer instead?!?!,  in one sitting without taking any breaks. It had taken you both a total of 8 hours to complete the game. You leaned back against his tub that he slept in and let out an exhausted sigh. 

It made you so happy to see Levi so pumped up and happy. Seeing his smile lit up something in your soul, especially when he was proud of himself for accomplishing something important to him. Your favorite otaku was now making victory laps around his room, jumping over manga and some of his Ruri-chan figurines without a care in the world. You let out a chuckle and smiled, putting your arms behind your head to stretch after putting his controller down on the ground next to you. 

"(Y/N), the assist you gave me at the end of the battle was amazing! I don't know if I would have been able to beat the final boss on my own." Levi cheerfully stated as he finally plopped down next to you, brushing his violet hair up out of his face. 

"Thank you, Levi. I'm sure you could have beaten it on your own without my help, you're very good at the game." You smiled at him, closing your eyes as you did. 

"What?! No way! I hadn't even considered using the character that you had chosen to play as when we were choosing. Also, the backgrounds and overall story arch was incredible! I can see us replaying this someday in the future. It was so interactive with the players too! What did you think about, (Y/N)? Did you enjoy it as much as I did?" Levi waited with bated breath for your answer, leaning towards you anxiously with his palms down on the floor between the two of you.

You looked at your favorite otaku, thinking about how much you liked him. You never had enough courage to confess your feelings to him, as you got embarrassed or frightened before you could do it officially. Perhaps one day you'd be able to. You shook yourself out of your thoughts before finally responding to his questions.

"It was great, Levi. The character you chose was super cool! I really hope to replay it with you in the future. Maybe you could stream it the next time we play for your viewers on your DevilTube channel?" You said, watching the light in his eyes glow brighter.

Levi turned back facing front his hands making fists in excitement as his eyes seemed to fill up with stars. He really is too adorable, you thought to yourself, blushing slightly. "Your absolutely right! We'll know the game and we can live stream it to my channel to show them how it's done. Player 1 and Player 2, taking on the foes within the game and showing the viewers our skills!" Levi ranted, grabbing your hands at the end with his own as he faced you once more.

"Of course, Levi! I would love nothing more." You smiled and giggled happily, causing Levi to blush in embarrassment after realizing what he was doing. He went to move his hands away from yours, but you grabbed onto them.

Blushing, you looked into Levi's orange eyes with your (E/C) ones. Your heart was racing, you could hear it in your ears. Perhaps today was the day that you finally told him how you felt...

"(Y)-(Y/N)?!?" Levi asked you, stuttering in surprise at your sudden action. You turned bright red and turned your head away from him briefly. 

Here goes nothing!, You thought to yourself, taking a deep breath before turning your head back towards Levi, who was now also bright red. You averted your direct gaze from his as you began to speak the words your heart needed to release.

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