Belphie x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You let out a yawn as you rested your head on your desk. It was another long day at RAD, one that you wished you could've spent in bed. You had stayed up late completing homework assignments for your classes that were due this week so that you wouldn't have to worry about them later on. This caused you to only get a few hours of sleep, making you exhausted.

Now I know how Belphie feels, you thought while trying to stifle another yawn.

The professor called your name and you almost ignored it, thinking it was something of your imagination. But begrudgingly, you sat up and looked at them, preparing to respond when you saw that they were simply passing back graded assignments. You took it and noticed your decent grade before nodding and laying your head back down on your desk.

"..........................(y--)...........(y/n).........(Y/N)!!!" A voice called to you while a hand on your shoulder shook you awake. Startled, you jolted upright and frantically tried to get your bearings. You looked over at the demon who had awoken you to find Belphie standing next to you, his face full of concern.

"Huh?! How long was I out?" You mumbled followed by a yawn, rubbing your eyes from the sleepiness.

"Only about a half hour. The professor saw me passing by in the hallway and asked if I could come wake you up before the next class period starts. They said that you wouldn't wake up at all..." Belphie responded with a frown. 

"Oh... Sorry, Belphie. I stayed up late to finish all of my homework assignments done." You told him, stretching your arms above your head before standing up.

Belphie grabbed your bag for you and you walked out of the classroom together after making a mental note about what homework had been assigned for the night, as it was written on the chalkboard.

"(Y/N), you really have to make sure you're getting enough sleep each night. I don't want you to overwork yourself and get sick..." Belphie told you quietly, so that no one else would hear.

"I'll be okay. I'll just take a nap after school today and I should be better when I wake up." You murmured, yawning again.

Belphie gave you a look but you ignored it. He knew how spent you were, as this wasn't the first time this week you had stayed up late studying and finishing assignments for your classes. He wanted you to do your best, but he couldn't help but be worried.

The two of you had grown close, despite him literally killing you. He was actually really sweet and he loved his twin with all his heart. Little did he know that your own heart now belonged to him...

"(Y/N)!" You jolted out of your thoughts and looked at Belphie. Then you saw how close you were to bumping straight into a wall and that his arm was now in front of you in order to stop you from hurting yourself. Your face flushed in embarrassment and you quickly began to blurt out apologies.

Belphie shook his head. "You really need to be more careful, (Y/N). Honestly. If I hadn't been watching out for you, you would have gotten seriously hurt."

"I'm just so tired, it's hard to pay attention..." Your voice trailed off as Belphie's face suddenly got very close to yours.

"Tell you what, (Y/N). When we get out of classes for the day, we'll take a nap together. Does that sound good to you?" Belphie asked, his voice soft and quiet.

You nodded shyly and fixed your hair, unable to tear your eyes away from the demon in front of you. He was so captivating. His eyes were the color dreams were made of and when he smiled at you, the feeling it gave you took you to cloud nine...

"(Y/N)? You there? C'mon sleepy head, as much as I don't want to, we have to get to class." Belphie said, snapping his fingers in front of your face a few times.

You hadn't noticed he had pulled away and was back to his full height, causing you to become flustered again. Belphie sighed and let out a yawn before grabbing you by the arm and into the classroom.

"You'll sit by me today. I need to make sure you stay awake. We're going over difficult material and we can't have you sleeping the whole class. However, I wish we could skip and nap now..." Belphie stated, shaking his head in annoyance.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The rest of the day seemed to move in slow motion. Belphie sitting next to you in class certainly helped keep you awake. His arm would brush up against you from time to time, and the two of you passed notes back and forth all class about the lesson, homework, his brothers, etc.

You wished you could have had him in all the rest of your classes. He helped you with your notes, occasionally leaning over to whisper in your ear if you had written down something incorrectly or had missed information. It was hard to stay asleep when your crush was literally inches away from you all class.

You let out a sigh. It was finally last period, and you had twenty minutes until you could see Belphie again. You couldn't wait to spend more time with him. Though at this rate, you doubted you'd be able to fall asleep beside him, no matter how exhausted you were.

You stifled another yawn, and laid your head down on your desk, thinking about a certain demon while you closed your eyes for a moment.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When you woke up, you noticed how warm you were. You hadn't realized the classrooms could get this warm. You were also sitting pretty comfortably for being in a desk. But wait... Your head was leaning against something else entirely. 

You opened your eyes only slightly and found that you were in Belphie's arms, being carried bridal style, your head leaning against his chest. You could also tell that you were headed back towards the House of Lamentation, your bag on his shoulders. You felt that your cheeks were flushed a bit, but you assumed it was from embarrassment. You snuggled closer against him for warmth as a cool breeze swept past you both, causing you to shiver.

Belphie shifted you into his arms and held you tighter. After a few moments, you felt the two of you enter the House of Lamentation. Belphie carried you upstairs to the attic and placed you down on the bed. After being put down on the fluffy surface, you let out a groan and fluttered your eyes open.

"Belphie?" You asked, sleep and exhaustion heavy in your voice. His face came into your view as he put a hand on your forehead and frowned.

"(Y/N), you're burning up. I knew this would happen eventually..." His voice trailed off, and he removed your shoes for you before covering you up with a fluffy blanket. He laid down next to you on the bed after taking off his own shoes and placing both of your bags soon the ground near the door. 

Belphie pulled you close to him and held you against his chest. "I texted Lucifer that you're sick because of the way you've been exerting yourself. I'm sure he'll have your homework load altered for you so that this doesn't happen again..." He murmured into your hair, stroking it slightly. 

You nuzzled into him, before letting out a sigh and mumbled into his chest. "I'm sorry, Belphie..." 

"Don't worry about it. You rest. I'll take care of you, I promise... I care about you a lot, (Y/N)." Belphie murmured, watching as you began to fall back asleep next to him.

"I like you too, Belphie." You said in a whisper before succumbing to the world of dreams yet again.

Belphie yawned and then smiled, holding you closer to him. "I will always protect and take care of you, (Y/N)."

He placed a delicate kiss on the top of your head and fell asleep with you, preparing to take care of you when you woke up again.


I'm so sorry this took so long for me to write! I had a difficult time with figuring out how Belphie's fluff should go, and I struggled a bit with writing him. Forgive me for any OOC.


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