Solomon x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

"That should do it!" Solomon proclaimed, adding the last ingredient to the potion in his cauldron. The two of you were partners for a group project in your Spells and Incantations class at RAD, and you had to complete a very complicated potion in order to get an 'A'.

"Are you sure you measured it right this time?" You asked him, hesitantly. The last time you both attempted to make this potion, it had exploded all over the classroom laboratory, covering you both in green gook! You shuddered at the thought.

"Positive! I did not use too much newt this time. It will not explode. Have a little faith in me, would you (Y/N)?" Solomon stated, faking being hurt by your question, a hand over his heart.

"Sol... no offense, but I still don't trust you after last time." You told him plainly. "Besides, it took way too long for me to get rid of all the green gook..."

"Okay, okay. I get it. But it won't happen this time! Trust me, please."


"Fine... Here we go! Last ingredient is being added now." Solomon declared as you prepared to duck underneath the counter of the lab table.

After a few moments of intense bubbling, the potion settled down to a less active state and changed into the correct shade of magenta. You sat up, relived and excited that you finally finished the project that you had been working on for what felt like forever.

"Yay! Now we can turn it in." You said happily, grabbing a ladle, funnel and a set of vials.

"And someone didn't believe me that it would be fine..." Solomon stated smugly, a smirk across his face. You hit his arm playfully and frowned at him before shaking your head. Solomon laughed and began to pour the potion into the vials via the ladle and funnel while you made sure nothing spilled.

Once the potions had been corked, Solomon and you let out a sigh and sat back down at the lab table to rest. The potion had taken several hours to complete, and the two of you were exhausted. You glanced at the time, debating how long it would take to clean everything up before you had to be home.

You sighed. It was already getting late and the brothers would be starting to worry, especially if you missed out on dinner. However, you weren't ready to head back yet and you had an hour of clean up to do still. Solomon noticed your mood and glanced at the clock as well.

"Guess we better get started on taking care of the mess that we made." Solomon said, standing up with a huff, taking the heavy cauldron over to the cleaning station. As you helped out by putting the ingredients away and cleaning up the table, you thought about how much you enjoyed the sorcerer's company. 

You had had feelings for him for quite a long time, but you never felt like you could bring it up in a good way when you were with him. You also had no idea if he liked you back, since the two of you rarely got to hang out or see each other. The brothers weren't fond of him at all, but you always had fun when you were with him. Solomon was also human and related to a lot of things you brought up and missed about the Human Realm.

Solomon was super sweet, and while his cooking was questionable, he was a genuinely good person to you. You felt closer to him, even though you mainly spent time away from one another. The two of you messaged back and forth via your D.D.D.'s often, creating inside jokes and planning adventures ahead of time. 

You wished you could spend more time with him. If only the brothers could see what you saw in him...

"(Y/N)? You still in there?" Solomon asked, snapping his fingers in front of your face a few times to get your attention, bringing you back to reality.

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