❤️🍪💚 Gingerbread Men - G/N Reader x Luke - Platonic/Fluff

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Hope you enjoy this cute scenario with Luke, our lively angel! THIS IS PURELY PLATONIC!!!


Song to listen to while you read: Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town by Frank Sinatra

(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You rolled out the gingerbread cookie dough on the kitchen counter top. Luke was using the cookie cutter next to you, punching out the shape of the gingerbread men in his own batch of batter.

You were thrilled he had invited you to hang out in Purgatory Hall to help him make cookies for the holidays as Simeon was busy. You both had already made a variety of cookies and these were going to be the finishing touch in the baskets that Luke decided to put together as a gift for everyone this year.

Luke plopped the freshly cut out gingerbread men onto his cookie sheet. "Ready to go in the oven!" He exclaimed with a smile. His face was covered in flour and there were pieces of each batch of cookie dough you had made that day splattered on his clothes and apron.

You smiled at his enthusiasm and watched him place the tray in the oven carefully. "We're doing such a great job, aren't we?" You asked him, grabbing the cookie cutter he had been using to finish off your cookies.

"Yep! We got so much done today! I can't believe I will have all of my cookies done by tonight." Luke said happily, glancing toward his almost assembled baskets of cookies, one for each person.

"Don't forget we have to decorate each of the gingerbread men after they cool off when we take them out of the oven." You reminded him, gesturing toward the array of frosting, icing, candies, and sprinkles on a nearby countertop.

"I can't wait!" Luke said happily, gazing at the cookies in the oven with amazement.

You loved seeing how happy the festive season made him. Getting to spend time with him and help him with his annual traditions that he normally did with Simeon and other angels in the Celestial Realm was a dream come true.

"Want me to make you a peppermint hot chocolate with extra marshmallows?" He asked enthusiastically. You had heard about his famous hot cocoa from Simeon, but you hadn't gotten to try it yet this season.

"Absolutely!" You smiled brightly at him. He returned it and began scurrying to grab a holiday mug and all of the ingredients.

You had just finished placing your gingerbread men onto your baking tray when a steaming mug of Luke's famous peppermint hot cocoa with extra marshmallows was placed before you.

"TA-DA! Enjoy (Y/N)! But be careful, it's quite hot." Luke said, blowing on his hand that had been holding the mug and shaking it slightly. 

"Aw thanks Luke. Are you ok? Did you burn yourself?" You asked him, worried about his hand. You should've been paying better attention to him, but you had no idea he would make the hot cocoa so quickly.

"I'm okay. My hand is just hot from holding the mug. I hope you like it (Y/N)!" Luke smiled at you, thankful for your concern.

You took a tentative sip a couple of minutes later and found the drink to be absolutely delicious. It tasted like the holiday season exploding in your mouth.

 "Luke, this is amazing! I can't believe you made this all by yourself." You told him, watching as he fist pumped the air in excitement and accomplishment.

"Thank you! It's my and Simeon's favorite drink during the holiday season. It's too bad that Simeon can't be here to enjoy some with us." Luke frowned, saddened at the reminder of his friend's absence.

Simeon was at R.A.D. helping Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and the brothers decorate for the holiday season as Diavolo insisted that it needed to look more festive. You and Luke were exempt due to how much baking Luke had to do and Simeon insisted you get to spend some extra time with him on his behalf. Hence, Luke asking you excitedly to hang out and help him.

After drinking your peppermint hot cocoa and getting all the gingerbread men cookies out of the oven, it was finally time to decorate. Luke had decided he wanted to decorate one of the gingerbread men as the person he was giving them to and showed you a gingerbread replica of Simeon as an example.

You laughed after seeing it. "Oh my gosh, that looks just like him! Why does he look so angry though?" 

Luke titled his head while looking at the cookie and began to laugh too. "He looks so mad! Like when he lost his bunny slippers but he was wearing them the whole time!! He thought I taken them since I couldn't stop laughing." 

"Wait - Simeon has bunny slippers?!" You cried through your laughter. Why was it so perfectly Simeon, yet so unexpected?

"Yeah! Wanna see?" Luke asked, jumping off the chair to run to Simeon's room before returning with a pair of pink bunny slippers.

"OH MY GOSH! Add them to the cookie!!" You cried, pointing to the Simeon gingerbread man cookie.

Luke ran back over to you and added the bunny slippers to the cookie. It left you both in a fit of giggles. Now the cookie was perfect.

"We should add personal details to each cookie!" Luke cried, grabbing the next one to decorate.

"Add a rat to Barbatos' cookie, like in his shirt pocket." You giggled evilly, waggling your eyebrows.

"Oh that's mean! However... It will be funny! And he'll get to eat the rat, hence get rid of it." Luke said with a happy smirk.

"That's the spirit!" You cried in victory before grabbing one to decorate as Lucifer sleeping with his glasses still on. Luke laughed and showed you the finished Barbatos cookie.

In the end, the gingerbread men of everyone had perfect personal details - Asmo's held a handheld mirror, Mammon's had money in its hand, Beel's had broken off its left leg and was eating it, Diavolo's held a pen and paper (signifying his duties), Levi's had a Ruri-chan figure within its arms, Satan's was hidden behind a book, Belphie's was asleep with the cow pillow in its arms, and Solomon's was holding a pot of soup.

"Now we have to do each other! You draw me and I'll draw you!" Luke exclaimed, handing you another blank gingerbread man to decorate.

You made sure to make Luke's perfect, getting all the details of his clothes down, and having him hold a cookie to help him remember how much fun you both had today. You turned to give it to him and saw he had just finished making yours as well. It was amazing. He had managed to capture your hair, eyes, clothes and hobby perfectly.

You gave him his gingerbread replica, and he gave you yours. "Thank you, Luke. I love it!" You smiled warmly at him.

"No, thank you (Y/N). This was super fun and amazing. I can't wait to do this again next year with you!" Luke beamed and you felt the world light up 10 times more than it already had this afternoon/evening.

The two of you continued to decorate the remaining gingerbread men and packaged them up before placing them in their respective baskets. Luke hid the baskets in one of the spare kitchen pantries and placed a 'DO NOT OPEN' sign on the door to warn Simeon, or anyone else, from finding the surprises before it was time to celebrate. You both decided to put on The Polar Express and drink more hot cocoa on the couch until Simeon returned home.

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