❤️🎄💚 Decorating the Tree - G/N Reader x Simeon - Fluff

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Part two of my holiday one shots! I hope you enjoy it. Happy holidays!


Song to listen to while you read: Last Christmas by Wham!

(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You hummed along to the Christmas song stuck in your head as you helped Simeon finish setting up the tree in Purgatory Hall's main living room. Luke was away learning holiday recipes with Barbatos, and Solomon was holed up in R.A.D.'s laboratory coming up with new spells.

Simeon had approached you at the end of the school day and asked for your assistance. With a nod from Lucifer, the two of you had headed back to Purgatory Hall together, swinging by a café to pick up some hot chocolate for yourselves. You were overjoyed to keep Simeon company doing something festive. You had liked the angel for a long time and it was hard for you not to tell him outright, as you weren't sure if he would be comfortable with dating or simply knowing.

Simeon was now digging out the ornaments out of the box he had grabbed out of a hall closet. The colors were gorgeous - Red, green, gold, silver, blue and white. Perfect for the holiday season. He even had ribbons and tinsel to weave around the tree and a star to place atop it. Luckily, the tree already had lights on it and you both had decided to leave the lights on while you continued to decorate it to see the full effect. You almost wondered how he managed to get all of this to the Devildom, but you were sure Diavolo probably had something to do with it.

"Here, (Y/N). Care to begin hanging them up on the tree?" Simeon asked you with a smile, holding up the first red bulb to be placed on the tree branches.

You smiled brightly back at him and took the first ornament. You looked at the tree, trying to find the best place to put the first ornament. With a nod, you placed the ornament where you thought was best.

The diligent process of taking the ornaments from Simeon and placing them on the tree continued in silence, besides your occasional humming of the song in your head. You weren't sure how to talk to Simeon, or what you would even discuss, since you had run through everything on your way here. 

Simeon soon joined you at the tree to help you wrap the tinsel and ribbons around it. At first, the  ribbon had been tangled up, and while the two of you tried to unwrap it, you became wrapped up together at the waist.

"Whoops. Guess we should've paid better attention to how we were unwrapping it." You chuckled slightly at the mess you both had gotten yourselves in. Your face and ears were warm from your immense closeness.

Simeon laughed as well and brushed your arm with his as he began to untangled the both of you. "Yes, I suppose we should've been more aware of the other's movements. Oh well, no harm done. Now, we're free."

You were a little sad that the moment ended so soon, but quickly gathered yourself and stepped out of the ribbon. From there, you held the ribbon as Simeon began to wrap the ribbon around the top of the tree, making his way down and around with it. You repeated the process with the tinsel, thankful that you both could manage not getting tangled in that as well.

"Now, time for the star. (Y/N), would you like to do the honors?" Simeon asked you, handing the star to you. You smiled, but then glanced up at the top of the tree. You weren't exactly sure if you'd be able to reach. Before you could turn to Simeon and tell him, you felt yourself rise off the floor.

Simeon was LIFTING you! You knew the angel had hidden strength but this was unexpected. "This should help. Can you reach it now, (Y/N)?" Simeon asked you, his grip on you firm. 

You blushed as you fumbled with attaching the star to the top of the tree. You felt safe and secure, despite being decently high off the ground.

"Almost... Got it... There!" You mumbled until the star was attached and lit up brightly with the rest of the tree.

Simeon gently lowered you to the ground and smiled at you, an arm behind his head. "Sorry for not warning you first. I just thought it would be faster that way."

You blushed a thousand shades of pink and red, beginning to think unholy thoughts of Simeon's hands tracing your body delicately. You shook your head slightly to clear it and turned your attention to the completed tree with it's gorgeous decorations.

It was stunning. Seeing the lights making everything glow made it all worth it. And the star was the perfect finishing touch. You let yourself smile in wonder and awe at the tree's decorated beauty.

Simeon turned to look at you and then looked bashful as he grasped your hands suddenly with his own. You turned to face him in surprise.

"Simeon? Is everything all right?" You asked, keeping your voice soft.

"(Y/N). There's something I've been meaning to tell you." Simeon replied, his bright blue eyes meeting your (E/C) ones.

Simeon took a deep breath. "I really like you, (Y/N). And not just as a friend. I want to spend every moment of my free time making memories with you and keeping you company. I just wasn't sure if you felt the same..." The angel trailed off, waiting for you to respond.

You were a bit shocked to hear that he had confessed to you first, but quickly pulled yourself together. "Simeon, I've been meaning to tell you that as well. I want to be with you, romantically. If you'll let me." You stated almost breathlessly.

"I would like that." Simeon smiled at you and it felt as if the heavens were smiling down on you.

The two of you stayed hand in hand for hours, admiring the tree and getting ready to take your newfound relationship to the next level by planning your next date.

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