Luke x G/N Reader ~Fluff/Scenario~

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Also, happy belated birthday to the precious baby! I'm sorry I didn't upload this in time.

Your POV, written in second person:

"Hello world!" Luke cried out happily into the darkness of Devildom as he looked out the window he had opened, ready to take on the day. The breeze was cool and refreshing and you took a deep breath in and let out a sigh of content. You loved the way Devildom's breeze made you feel, as weird as it sounded. You had spent the night over at Purgatory Hall for a sleepover with the angels and fellow human companion as a way to celebrate the upcoming festival weekend and time off from RAD.

You, Solomon, Simeon, and Luke had all slept in the living room together on the floor and couches after playing tons of games and eating sweets. You weren't sure if you'd be able to eat anything sweet for a month, or anything at all...

"You look pumped up for the day, Luke. Shall we all go grab breakfast?" Simeon asked, a hand behind his head.

Solomon sat up sleepily from one of the couches and groaned. "I don't think I could eat even if I wanted to. I'm still full from last night..." His hair was sticking up at weird angles and you see his agony from over-eating on his face. 

"Same here..." You said, holding onto your stomach. Looking around the room, you saw how many trays and packets of sweets you had all devoured throughout the previous night. The room was filthy, littered with the remains of the sweets. You began to clean up while Simeon went to the kitchen to pour everyone glasses of water since it was decided that no one wanted to eat.

You found several unopened packages of Madame Scream's macaroons hidden underneath the couch and decided that you would give them to Barbatos when you saw him later at the castle. You knew they were his favorite to enjoy, so you placed them in a basket near the door. 

Luke and Simeon began sweeping and vacuuming up the crumbs from the sweet treats, while Solomon ran to the bathroom, looking a little pale in the face. You made a mental note to not use the same bathroom as he did, just in case he needed it again.

You downed the glass of water and headed into the guest bedroom to change into a new set of clothes with a nod to Simeon, as you knew he wouldn't be able to hear you over the roar of Luke's vacuuming. As you shut the door, the noise became fainter and you ruffled through the bag you had taken with you to find what you were going to wear today.

You and Luke were planning on walking around Devildom to view the street shops as they set up for the festival that was to start later this evening, hoping to find some gifts for everyone as a surprise before the festivities kicked off. 

You pulled out your casual clothes after finding them at the bottom of your bag before finally changing into them. You had decided to incorporate gold and light blue into your outfit to semi-match Luke's daily outfit as a tribute to the two of you sending time together. Luke was like a little brother to you, and one of your best friends that you adored. You knew he would love to see you slightly matching him. You gave yourself a smile in the room's vanity mirror before heading back to the living room.

Luke took one look at your outfit and began to beam. "(Y/N)!!! You're wearing the colors I normally wear! They look so great on you!!" He rushed over to you and gave you the biggest hug, making you smile happily. He was so adorable.

Simeon chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, his eyes closed while he smiled. "I love that you two decided to match. I assume you're both heading out now?"

"Yes, we are! Are you ready for our secret outing, Luke?" You asked him as he pulled away. Luke nodded enthusiastically and ran to grab his wallet. 

"You two have fun with whatever you're up to. Solomon and I will meet up with you at the castle later." Simeon smiled, giving you a hug. The sound of Solomon groaning from the bathroom filled the halls you gave the bathroom door a sympathetic look before bending down to grab the basket by the door to take with you.

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