Lucifer x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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Happy Birthday, Lucifer! This fluff will be themed around his birthday, because how could I not write one for him? Enjoy! :)


(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You ran around like crazy, trying to make sure everything was perfect for Lucifer's birthday. You wanted everything to go perfectly, no screw ups whatsoever. The brothers had agreed to be nice to Lucifer and preoccupy him throughout the day so that you could set up for his birthday party later that evening in the House of Lamentation. Lord Diavolo and Barbatos were also lending a hand, with Barbatos helping to prepare the food and Diavolo keeping Lucifer on his toes for the first half of the day before the brothers would take over escort duty.

You had bought him the perfect gifts this year: a bottle of Demonus, a brand new fountain pen, a new scarlet tie made from silk, and a few poison apples. You had left it on his desk in his study, with a note from you, expressing how you felt for the Avatar of Pride to read once the evening was over, as you knew he was bound to try and sneak away to work on some paperwork. Diavolo and Barbs had made sure to lock it all away in file cabinets to prevent this, as they knew Lucifer didn't like to give himself a break for very long, leaving only your presents for him in the room.

You weren't sure if it was enough, but you sure hope it would be something he would remember. You had feelings for the Avatar of Pride practically since you arrived in Devildom, never being able to fully talk to him without getting flustered or nervous. You did your best to help him out when you could, such as with keeping his brothers out of as much trouble as you could, or bringing him a cup of hot, black melancholy coffee when he was swamped with paperwork.

You knew that his pride prevented him from telling you how he felt about you, but you were hoping that one day you'd be able to find out for certain. He had told you how much he appreciated you, but never that he liked you, had feelings for you, etc., but you held onto the idea that he did. At least you would find some peace in knowing that you had told him that you liked him and could see how he treated you in the future.

The party for this year would be a grand, but somewhat smaller celebration, as you had put more effort into his gifts rather than a large party. Diavolo and Barbatos assured you that everything would work out and that Lucifer would appreciate it anyway.

You glanced at the clock, noticing that Lucifer was currently out with Asmo, knowing that Satan was next to swap. This meant that you had only a few more hours to set everything up. You hoped the brothers were keeping him in a good mood as you began to set up the decorations with Diavolo. 

Diavolo, noticing how stressed you were, came over to you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Remember to breathe, (Y/N). You did a wonderful job coordinating this. Everything will go well."

You looked at the Demon Prince and smiled. "Thank you. I just want everything to be perfect. I really don't know what I would do without you or Barbatos helping me out with all the extra details, or with the other brothers taking Lucifer out for a day of fun. Simeon has been doing a great job of keeping Solomon away from the kitchen and Luke has been a real help to Barbatos with the desserts."

He shook his head, a slight frown on his face. "You need to give yourself more credit."

"I know... But this is more important at the moment." You told him, gesturing to the house that was almost fully decorated. 

"Okay. Don't forget to change before the party. You told me to remind you." Diavolo said, walking back over to finish putting up some streamers.

Crap. You looked down at your (C) t-shirt and sweatpants combo. Your hair was also slightly messy, and needed fixing. But you still had so much left to do--

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