Satan x GN! Reader ~Angst/Lime~

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I hope this chapter isn't too cringey to read. I did my best  😅 Happy New Year y'allEnjoy <3


(Y/N)'s POV (written in second person):

You've never seen Satan this angry before. 

At least, he's never been this angry at you before, not even when you accidentally spilled hot tea on his lap a few weeks ago.

However, you had lost one of his favorite books somewhere in the House of Lamentation, RAD or  Purgatory Hall and you had no idea where it had been last. You had endlessly searched your room for it but had no luck. 

Thus, you had to break the news to him the next day. You were still hopeful that the book would turn up and you asked the others to be on the lookout for it as well, and told him as such, but that didn't seem to ease his mind.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!" Satan screamed, slamming his fist into one of his bedroom walls. "HOW COULD YOU HAVE LOST IT?!?!?!?"

You winced from his sudden action and slowly tried to make your way towards him. "I'm sorry, Satan. I will find it and if not, I will replace it. But please, don't hurt yourself like that again..."


"...oh. Satan, it will turn up. I promise. I'll look for it harder." You told him. You had gotten just feet from him, but you were unsure if touching him would help calm him down or make it worse. You decided to test the waters and gently grasped his hurt hand.

"Don't touch me, human!" Satan growled, flinging your hands far away from him. In doing so, the motion sent you tumbling backwards onto the floor.

As you looked up at him, you noticed the appearance of his demon form and it sent shivers down your spine. He was really pissed off at you. You struggled to get to your feet but you felt his hand on one of your arms, dragging you to his bedroom door.

As he tossed you into the hallway, you heard his final words of warning before the door slammed shut in your face. "Don't even think about coming back until you've found my book."

Welp, you supposed that could've gone a lot worse. But still, your arm and ass hurt from where he had grabbed you and thrown you out. You let out a sigh and finally got to your feet before heading to search the House of Lamentation from top to bottom.


"I still haven't found it..." You groaned, your voice muffled by your arms as you laid your upper body on the dining room table. 

Days had gone by and you still had yet to find Satan's book and he had yet to even glance your direction since then. You hated that he was so upset with you, but you understood why. If the book was that rare, then it certainly needed to be found.

But you had searched every room, top to bottom, and every place in RAD you could think of in case you had accidentally brought it with you to school. The other brothers had no idea where the book was either, and you had intensely interrogated all of them just in case.

"What book was it again? Ancient Spells.. something or other?" A sleepy Belphie mumbled across the table from you.

"Yeah something like that... I just wish I could find it." You sighed. When would this book turned up?

"You know... I think I saw a book in the foyer a few days ago. It was on the table we put the Akuzon packages on.... Maybe it's still there?" Belphie mumbled, crossing his arms.

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