❤️❄️💚 First Snowfall of the Season - G/N Reader x Satan ~Fluff~

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Hello everyone! It's been a minute since I've updated this story. Life caught up to me and I haven't had a lot of time to write. I'm going to write Christmas Fluff one shots with (hopefully) all of the Obey Me characters. We'll see how far I get 😅 

Please enjoy the first one shot! 


Song to listen to while you read:  Snowman by Sia

(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You glanced out the window during your History of Devildom class and noticed the sky had turned a dark gray. With winter in full swing, you had expected it to snow a whole lot sooner, but now it seems that you would finally get your wish.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period.  You rushed to pack up your things to head out for the day. You were meeting the brothers at the main entrance to walk back to the House of Lamentation together. 

As you made your way to entrance, you could only think to hope that it would finally snow in the Devildom. (Diavolo had cast some spells against Barbatos' wishes that would allow you to experience snow in the Devildom just as you did when visiting the Human Realm. Let's just say Diavolo was drowning in a lot more paperwork now because of it, by courtesy of Barbatos. Diavolo told you it was fine and that he simply wanted to make you happy and his sacrifice would be worth it if the spells worked.)

"(Y/N)! You ready to go?" Satan asked you, a heap of books stacked in his arms. You caught a glimpse of one of the titles in the pile. Snowy Activities - you smiled, happy knowing that your favorite brother was excited to experience the snow as much as you.

"Yep! Let's head out." You stated excitedly, glancing toward the sky as you followed the brothers out of the building, listening to their conversation and banter on the walk home. It made your heart swell with happiness knowing that they would be able to experience snow in the Devildom with you.

"Hey, check it out (Y/N)! A new cat café opened up in town. We'll have to check it out soon." Satan pointed to the poster with his leg, smiling from ear to ear.

"Definitely!" You replied, happy to go anywhere with him. He was so smart and loved to tell you about his favorite subjects and hobbies outside of reading.

"Want to go later this evening?" He asked you, suddenly quite serious. The chill had grown in the air, turning his cheeks and ears red.

"Sure! I don't see why not." You told him, your heart all a flutter in your chest.

The rest of the walk home you thought about the outfit you would put together to wear with him on the outing, the cats you would get to pet and the look Satan would have on his face as soon as he entered the café.


You and Satan walked side by side to the cat café. It still hadn't snowed, but the clouds grew a darker grey than before. You frowned slightly, a bit disappointed that you weren't able to walk through a snowfall to get to your destination. Satan noticed the change in your demeanor immediately.

"What's wrong (Y/N)? I thought you were as excited as I was to see the kitties?" Satan asked, tilting his head slightly while raising an eyebrow.

"It's nothing. I was just wishing for snow. I can't wait to see the kittens and cats either." You told him with a small sigh and smile.

Satan sighed in relief and then smiled brightly at you. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get tons of snow soon. I brought home a book to read through to find activities everyone can enjoy while in the snow. I will be fully prepared to make the best of the snowy day."

Satan smiled triumphantly, earning a small laugh from you. After a moment more of walking, Satan suddenly paused in his tracks.

"(Y/N), we're here! Look at them, (Y/N)!!!" Satan exclaimed before rushing into the shop.

You could only smile and shake your head as you headed in after him. There were cats and kittens galore, and the menu looked delicious. Satan went ahead and paid for your drinks and snacks while you sat down on a comfy looking chair across from the fireplace. 

Almost immediately, a black and white cat came over to you and hopped into your lap, making itself comfortable before settling in for a nap. You looked up to find Satan looking a little dejected that you had already gotten a kitty friend when he had barely had the chance to pet one. 

"Lucky you, (Y/N). If I was a cat, I, too, would like to curl up in your lap for some comfort and warmth." Satan said as he sat down next to you in the opposite chair, the snacks and drinks on the table between the two of you.

You blushed immensely, thinking about how much that statement meant to you while he had no clue. The two of you were there for no more than an hour, flirting ever so slightly back and forth with one another, when you decided to look out the front windows. 

There was a full on blizzard happening as the two of you were sitting there, content and surrounded by cats. 

"Satan, look! It's snowing!" You cried happily, pointing to the window.

Satan smiled at you before turning around to see the snow. He looked back at you in shock. "Diavolo created a blizzard... Looks like the spells worked a little too well. We're practically snowed in as it is and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon."

You realized that the two of you were not going to make it back to the House of Lamentation anytime soon. "At least we can keep each other company." You offered with a tight smile.

"I'm going to tell Lucifer we're camping here for a while, even though I'd really rather not. Being snowed in with just the two of us is the best winter wish I could have asked for." He told you, meaning every word of what he said. He scowled at his D.D.D. before caving and calling Lucifer to let him know of your predicament.

After hanging up, Satan looked deeply into your eyes. "Barbatos will be coming to get us in a few hours. Until then, I want to enjoy every second alone I have with you."

Satan bent down and gave you a light and delicate kiss on your lips. "I like you a lot, (Y/N). I could even dare to say I'm in love with you, and I have been for a while now. Please tell me you feel the same." 

You responded by pulling him back down to your lips to give him a deeper, more passionate kiss, being careful not to disturb the sleeping cat on your lap. "I like you too, Satan. I think I'm in love with you too. So now, what would you like to do with our extra time together?"

Satan smiled, mischief in his eyes. "I know just the thing."


Thank you again for reading and I apologize for any OOC. It has been a while since I've written these types of scenarios and will need some time to find my rhythm again. Best wishes to you all! ~ <3 Authorchan

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