Mammon x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

"MAMMOONN!!!" You shouted, racing down the hallway after him. He had stolen your wallet for the third time this week and you were extremely annoyed that you had to chase after him yet again.

"EEK!!!" Mammon cried, desperately trying to get away from you, speeding towards his room. You already knew his tactics, and got to his door before he managed to close and lock it.

"Stop stealing my wallet!" You cried, snatching it back, entering his room in a huff. 

"(Y/N)... I was only gonna borrow a little bit. Like, 100 Grimm..." Mammon pleaded with you, tears in his eyes. You sighed and ran your fingers through your (H/L) (H/C) hair.

"What do we do when we want to borrow something from someone, Mammon?" You asked him, feeling like an exhausted mother.

"...Ask first to make sure its okay before doing it?" Mammon responded, looking at you with sad eyes.

"Yes. Now what are you gonna do?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"(Y/N)... Can I please borrow 100 Grimm? I promise to pay you back!"

You're lucky I love you, Stupidmammon... You thought to yourself as you sighed and gave him the 100 Grimm.

Mammon lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, greedily snatching the money from you before heading towards his car. You swore for a moment when you gave him the Grimm that there were dollar signs in his eyes.

You had feelings for the Avatar of Greed for several months. You knew he liked you, no matter how much he tried to hide it, but the tsundere failed every time. You always joked with him about liking him back, but little did he know that you actually meant them.

"What do you need all of that Grimm for?" You asked him out of curiosity, following after him.

"Oh... Nothing." Mammon said with a smile so mischievous, you could practically feel the chaos emanating from it. 

"...You didn't break anything did you?" You asked hesitantly, not sure if you wanted to know the answer.

"No! Lucifer would hang me from the chandelier for years." Mammon shuddered. "Anyway, you'll find out soon enough. Now, let's go!"

Mammon held up the keys to Lucifer's car. It was a gift from Diavolo for his birthday from many decades ago. The car was still in perfect condition, as Lucifer only used it on occasion and made sure that it remained that way.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked him, not thrilled about potentially being caught by Lucifer later on.

"It'll be fine! Besides, what could go wrong? I swear, (Y/N). Sometimes you have no sense of adventure. Now let's hurry before he notices that the keys are missing!" Mammon said, dragging you by the arm towards the garage.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Time Skip*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"WOAH!!!!" You screamed as Mammon took a corner way to sharp, sending you crashing into the passenger side door. 

"Sorry (Y/N)! I forgot how much power this thing has! Anyway, we're almost to The Fall! We're meeting one of my gambling buddies there for a game of Blackjack. I'm hoping to triple my earnings tonight." Mammon said happily, excited at the prospect of gaining more money.

You let out a half sigh when Mammon's D.D.D. began to ring. You looked at him as he picked it up and chucked it at you so you could answer it for him.

"Mammon's phone." You said upon answering, not bothering to check the caller ID beforehand.

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