Barbatos x G/N Reader ~Fluff~

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Your POV, written in second person:

"(Y/N), you have an invitation addressed to you on the dining room table." Satan stated as he passed you, his nose buried deep within the pages of a book. From what you could make out on the cover, it was another book about hexes. Satan will never give up his quest to successfully hex Lucifer, you thought, shaking your head slightly with a smile.

"Thanks, Satan!" You cried, racing towards the dining room to open it. You wondered who it could be from, but you had an idea. 

As you entered the dining room, you saw the pretty white envelope with a teal wax seal at the bottom of the flap waiting for you on the table in front of your seat. Carefully, you opened the invitation and pulled out the decorated card and began to read it quietly aloud.

" 'Dearest (Y/N), I hope this letter finds you in good health. Would you care to come to the castle for tea this Saturday at 3pm? It would honor me greatly if I could spend some alone time with you. I'll be awaiting your response.  -- X Barbatos' "

You finished, your cheeks tinted red at the mention of alone time. Not to mention, the 'X' he put in front of his name when signing gave you butterflies of happiness. You had liked the demon butler for a few months and every spare moment you got alone with him always overjoyed you. However, due to the brother's protective nature, it was difficult getting any alone time at all.

You mind began to race, thinking of what outfit you would wear that would best be suited for tea time  with Barbatos. Perhaps you should wear something teal to compliment him? Or have a teal scarf or handkerchief to go along with it instead? You began to pace around, your hand on your chin, when you remembered you had to respond to Barbatos' invitation. 

You turned the card over to its backside and found instructions in his penmanship. " 'Say - I accept with pleasure - for yes or say - I humbly must decline - for no' " You murmured quietly to yourself, before clearing your voice to speak clearly.

"I accept with pleasure!" You declared loudly and watched as the invitation disappeared from your hands in a cloud of teal smoke. Barbatos truly does think of everything, you mused, wondering how a complex spell such as that worked. You would have to ask him in the future to teach you that trick as well.

Humming happily, you left the dining area and headed towards your bedroom to dig through your closet for an outfit suitable enough for your upcoming date with Barbatos... You froze for a moment. Was this considered a date? Technically speaking, it kind of was. Did he see it that way? 

You blushed, your thoughts racing as you hurried into your room. I must do my best to impress him, you thought as you began to pull out the articles of clothing that would work best.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Time Skip*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You sighed and flopped backwards onto your bed, feeling utterly defeated. I have nothing, absolutely NOTHING, to wear, you thought in dismay, laying one of arms across your forehead.

Your room was a mess from you throwing articles of clothing every direction, but you could care less at the moment. You needed to go shopping for an outfit, and you knew just the brother to assist you.

Now, if only you could find your wallet and D.D.D....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*2 HoUrS lAtEr*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You finally managed to tidy up your room enough to find your wallet and D.D.D., and currently stood in front of the Avatar of Lust's door, hesitating to knock. It wasn't that you didn't want Asmo's assistance, you knew he was the best when it came to fashion and shopping, but you weren't sure how he would handle the news of you basically going on a date with Barbatos.

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