❤️🎁💚 Presents - G/N Reader x Diavolo - Fluff

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Enjoy the next part of my holiday season one shots! Sorry it's a bit long


Song to listen to while you read: All I Want For Christmas Is You by Point North

(Y/N)'s POV, written in second person:

You wandered around town, gazing thoughtfully at the displays in the different shop windows. There were so many unique and interesting presents but none of which called your attention. You had gotten gifts for everyone except for Diavolo. You weren't sure what to get for the demon lord who seemingly had everything.

You let out a sigh before heading into a flower shoppe just to look around. The arrangements were beautiful of course, but none of which screamed Dia's name in your head. You had also learned the hard way not to tell anyone just exactly who you were shopping for. The shops just tried to outdo each other by presenting you with options that they thought Dia would enjoy best without even really knowing his tastes. 

(You had asked for recommendations on his birthday and eventually chose something from the human realm due to the immense pressuring the shops were putting on you. They had sent gift basket samples to the House of Lamentation and Lucifer had been a litle less than pleased.)

You spotted a familiar flower among the shelves. A poinsettia to be exact. The red petals would be a perfect gift for Diavolo. You picked it up and headed to the counter to pay for it.

After exiting the flower shoppe with your gift in hand, you decided to go into a small antique shop to poke around for any other items that Dia would enjoy and use. You found some gold cuff links with garnets embellished on them, as well as a matching bracelet. For a moment, you paused, thinking about buying it for yourself and wearing it alongside Diavolo's cuff links, the two of you being a couple in your imagination.

You shook your head, blushing. You knew you had strong feelings for the Demon Lord, but you had never had the courage to tell him that you liked him more than you probably should. You decided to get the cuff links, but continued to browse after paying in case anything else caught your eye. You tried to focus on buying other gifts for Diavolo, but again, your mind and gaze kept returning to the bracelet.

Sighing heavily, you decided that these gifts would have to do for Diavolo and that you would have to leave without buying anything else, or else you would end up buying the bracelet. However, before you were able to leave the shopping district, you ran into the very demon you were buying presents for.

"(Y/N)! How are you? Gift shopping, I presume?" Diavolo asked you with a smile. He wore a bright red coat with matching pants and black gloves, scarf, and boots. He really did look like Santa Claus and you had to swallow a laugh.

Instead, you smiled at the demon in high spirits, doing your best to conceal his presents from him. You were glad the colorful paper bags were big enough to conceal the presents entirely and that they weren't made of see-through plastic like in the Human World.

"Hi Dia, it's good to see you. Yes, I'm just wrapping up. What about you? What brings you out here today, alone at that?" You asked, noticing Barbatos' absence.

"Oh, I'm about to get my shopping done as well. Barbatos knows of course, but he isn't thrilled that I waited until now to buy something for everyone. In fact, I'm not entirely sure where to start for some of my friends." Diavolo frowned slightly, looking a bit down at that last part.

"Would you like me to help you? I can guide you in the right direction if you want and then head out for you to finish buying presents by yourself." You told him, blushing slightly.

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