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We did a few runthroughs of the setlist, making a few changes as we went on before ultimately deciding it at perfect.

I do love our little setlist.

cause there are songs that I sing, songs with solos for all band members, songs with harmonies, duets between multiple members of the bands. Every gets a moment to shine through out setlist and that's what I like most about it.

If you look at any band, the biggest member is always the lead singer.

I hate that.

I want to make sure that everyone gets their chance to shine and show off their incredible abilities.

And that's exactly what we do with Descendant Rockabye.

Not to mention that, that's a banging band name.

We had a few drinks from the bar and Dan and I headed outside for a smoke before the show began.

And then...

Show time.

I took the stage, microphone in hand and scanned the audience.

It was very soon when I spotted my friends there.

Dustin was there.





Even Jonathan and Nancy were there.

I was pretty sure Lucas has a game tonight which makes sense but he did send his love.

And El still isn't accustomed to like.. loud loud events so Mike and her stayed home.

I grinned at Dustin before I noticed him pointing to a boy by his side.

He had long.. almost John Deacon esqu hair and was wearing a leather jacket over a band T.

We made eye contact and there was.. there was no expression, no smile.. nothing.. just eye contact.

He looked a little... like he didn't want to be here at all.

It was then I heard Dan mumbled my name.

"oh! Hello There! My name is Y/N" I grinned, waiting for the rest of the band to introduce themselves. "and we are Descendant Rockabye.. enjoy"

I caught the boys eye again as the first number started.

Always a crowd pleaser.

Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne.

And yes I do the intro myself.

I watched as his eyes lit up at the sound of the intro.

This made me feel happy for some reason.

We played another successful show and for some reason, by the end of it.. I couldn't find that boys eyes anymore.

He must have left.

I took a few moments backstage before heading into the audience myself to find my brother. Luckily, most of the audience had left at this point so the pub was rather empty.

"hey dust!" I smiled, breaking him away from his conversation.

"Y/N! You were so great!" Steve exclaimed pulling me into a hug.

"ha thanks Harrington" I giggled before exchanging a hug with Robin, Max and Will.

"I'm so proud of you Sis" Dustin looked like he was gonna cry.

"awwhh dusty" I pouted, pulling him in for a side hug.

"that was really good Y/N" Nancy smiled sweetly as Jonathan nodded by his side.

"thanks Nance" I smiled at the beauty. "thank you both for coming"

I looked down at the floor before turning back to my brother.

"uh.. where is that friend of yours??" I wondered.

"oh.. uh.. well.. oh! speak of the devil" Dustin chuckled before the circle of conversation broke with a boy stumbling into the centre.

The same boy.

"Y/N, this is Eddie Munson" Dustin introduced us both.

"so.. what'd you think??" I crossed my arms in front of the taller boy.

"I'll be honest. when you first walked out, I was expecting some.. Karen Carpenter Tribute act but.. it was.. actually more like a... Ann Wilson Tribute act" he spoke slowly. "and I love Heart"

"I did see your eyes light up when we started playing" I smiled softly.

"you started the show with Ozzy Osbourne! How was my eyes not supposed to light up after expecting the Carpenters and hearing Ozzy fucking Osborne!" he exclaimed, suddenly bursting into energy.

I noticed how expressive he is.

I chuckled lightly, not really knowing what to say.

"you.. were a wonderful audience member" I mumbled.

"what can I say??" he grinned, bowing dramatically.

"right. so.. drinks??" Steve suggested.

"yep, let's go" Max smirked.

"uh uh... no kids allowed" Eddie smirked.

They all groaned in unison.

"you coming, Wilson??" Eddie turned my way.

"uh I'm actually just gonna see my band and head out. I had my fair share before the show" I shook my head.

"you sure?? we've got some MJ too" he pushed my arm slightly.

I leaned in close so that Dustin didn't hear.

"maybe next time" I whispered before pulling away.

He put two fingers to his temple and saluted before the "adults" of the gang exiting the pub.

"so what do you think??" Mike wondered.

"huh??" I turned to the kids again.

"of Eddie??" Dustin asked.

"he's.. a lot" I chuckled. "good taste in music though. come on, let's go"

We started to leave when I heard my name called from behind me. I turned my head to see Axel standing there.

"hey baby" I smiled.

"did you see how good I did??" he smirked. "I'm a genius for putting comfortably numb in the setlist"

"uh.. actually I di... you did great, baby" I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"you coming out with us??" he grinned.

"not tonight, gotta babysit" I shrugged.

"your loss" he poked his tongue out before walking away.

I sighed gently before returning to my friends.

"I don't like him" Will stated as we exited the pub.

"he's.. he's just.. gotten excited from being in the band, that's all" he replied.

"no.. he's become an asshole since joining the band" Max snickered.

"come on, I'll take you guys home" I threw my arms around the lot before walking away from the venue. "Eddie's an interesting one, isn't he??"

"I knew you'd like him" Dustin smirked.

"i don't.. I don't like him. He's just the most enthusiasticly.. weird person I've ever met. no one's that.. confident meeting someone for the first time" I chuckled.

"no one but Eddie" Mike shook his head.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now