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"I've never been on one of these before" He stated bluntly.

"me neither" I replied.

"i hope Eden enjoys it" he chuckled lightly.

"me too.. I'm not too good with heights" I took a deep breath.

"but you just dragged us all on roller coasters" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"yeah but those are fast.. you don't really think about the fact you're.. up high but this is slow and it usually stops at the top and.. I just don't like heights" I chuckled nervously.

"hey... don't be a pussy" he grinned cheesily before taking my hand as he did a couple nights before.

His comment made me chuckle.. which.. made me feel a little less nervous, actually.

once again this was a journey in silence.

For some reason, his touch made me feel less nervous.

"you know this is the second time you've held my hand" I stated.


the fuck did I say that.

He chuckled lightly.

"well it's calmed you down" he shrugged as we came to a stop at the top of the ferris wheel.

"holy.." I gasped, lifting my head to look at the view.

I know it was the same that I had seen earlier but.. the sun had started going down at this point so the landscape and the sky together was just.. wow.

"you glad you came??" he asked.

"definitely" I nodded aggressively.

"you never responded on my band suggestion" he stated.

"hmm??" I turned to him.

"I said that my band doesn't really have a singer.. If you'd be interested. The stuff we do is a bit heavier than your band but.. you've definitely proved you can do it.. and we could easily compromise with some things, if you'd want" he explained.

"I... I'll admit. I'm very interested. I love performing and it sounds fun but.. I'll have to think about it" I smiled.

"you're.. you're right, sorry. you could probably do with a break from all that shit" he nodded. "have you heard from him since??"

"nope. and I'm ever so thankful" I chuckled lightly.

"one sec.." he mumbled pulling his hand away from mine. I watched as the snuck through his pockets and whipped out two spliffs after a moment. "eh??"

"... go on then" I grabbed the one and placed it between my lips before leaning forward, waiting for a light.

Once it was lit, I took a large inhale.. savouring the taste and feeling before exhaling the smoke into the booth.

"it's been a while since I had one of these" I sighed in relief.

"why's that??" he wondered.

"I've been in my room for the last two weeks, ran out" I shrugged before taking another puff.

"wouldn't expect someone like you to smoke" he mumbled.

"eds.. I'm a musician" I scoffed.

"right.. right, yeah" he chuckled lightly.

"I've been meaning to ask.. what bands do you like??" I wondered.

"can't you tell??" he gestured to himself.

"I know but.. I'm still wondering. you could surprise me" I shrugged.

"alright. Well my favourites are Motley Crue, Black Sabbath and.. Van Halen" he stated.

"and I'm not surprised at all" I smirked.

"alright then, how about you??" he crinkled his nose.

"I'd say.. Black sabbath.. Queen and Abba" I nodded.

"abba? you're kidding..." he threw his head back dramatically.

"what's wrong with Abba?? If you're gonna diss abba right now.. I'm gonna jump out of this ferris wheel" I crossed my arms.

"nothing! nothing.. just.. not my style, that's all" he shrugged.

"well I know that, look at you" I snickered. "you don't have a soft bone in your body"

"well thank you" he smirked.

"wha.. oh shut up" I spat, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"you don't seem as nervous as I thought you would" he stated.

"you calm me down" I smiled.

He tilted his head.

I panicked a little before gesturing to the spliff in my hand.

"ah" he nodded slowly.

It was then the ferris wheel started moving again.

"have you ever been with anyone else apart from Axel??" he asked.. rather out of the blue.

"nope. he was my first.. everything. we got to together in Freshman year, for fucks sake and.. I'm not exactly Mrs Popular so.. yeah" I shrugged.

"why did you get together??" he wondered.

I sighed.

"cause he was actually nice back then. He was kind to me and protected me and we.. we bonded over music but. when we started the band, I don't know what happened. He just became a totally different person. He'd snap at me.. he was never affectionate anymore and he was always busy" I exclaimed. "now I know why"

"I'm still sorry about that" he mumbled.

"don't worry about it. at least I found out before spending the rest of my life with him" I shrugged.

"you were gonna spend the rest of your lives together??" he furrowed his eyebrows. "didn't imagine you to be buying into the whole soul mate shit"

"so you don't believe that there's one person for everyone??" I turned to him fully.

"I.. I never really thought about it" he stated. "I'd like to.. I mean, Elizabeth and Mr Darcy... they're soulmates. I'd like to think that we can all find that but.. I don't know if it's actually true"

"hmm.." I pursed my bottom lip.

"what??" he moaned.

"I see you do have a soft bone in your body" I smirked, taking another inhale.

"you're very easy to talk to, that's why" he shrugged.

"so.. I'm the reason you're soft??" I furrowed my eyebrows at the boy.

"oh.. no.. uh... shut up" he shoved my shoulder gently, grinning widely.

"you're easy to talk to.. too" I chuckled softly. "you know what?"

"what's that, Wilson?" he crossed his arms, leaning into me.

"I'm gonna give you an Abba tape.. a song I'll think you like. see if I can shift that mind of yours" I suggested.

"can't see that happening but okay" he agreed.

"well I've already unveiled one softie part of Eddie Munson, i could do another" I smirked, finishing the deal with a handshake.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now