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For days after that, I couldn't sleep.

Something just..

Something just felt weird.

I couldn't stop thinking about the gig.

About Axel.

About Eddie.

But after much attempts, I fell asleep.







I peeked my eyes open to see Dustin hovering over me.

"fucking hell" I jumped out of my skin. "what do you want??"

"it's almost 9am, we have school" he spoke quickly.

"shit" I jumped up out of bed, shoving the boy out of my room.

I threw on a pair of bellbottoms, pairing it with an oversized band shirt and my trusty denim jacket.

I paired it with a pair of calf high boots and shook my hair before grabbing my bag and rushing out of the house.

Luckily it wasn't too bad because school was only a walk away but I was still shitting myself.

I didn't like school.

I'm only in my last year but most of my friends are either younger or have already graduated.

Steve, Nancy and Jon have all graduated.

And the Hawkins gang are all younger than me.

Which leaves me with my bandmates and Robin.. which I don't mind but it's not really a lot is it.

Plus I don't have classes with any of them.

And I only see my friends lunch time, essentially.

I'd say I'm pretty okay at school.

I get decent grades and I don't get into much trouble.

I've been caught smoking on campus a few times but that's not too bad.

I remembered that Eddie goes here too.

I wonder how I've never seen him before.

He seems like.. I would definitely notice him.

He's been held back so he's definitely in my year.

I must not have any classes with him.

It wasn't until English where I realised that I... I actually do have a class with him.

"Edward Munson, nice of you to show up" I lifted my head to see the boy enter the classroom.


"sorry Pap" he saluted to the teacher just as he did last night.

I looked back down at my Pride and Prejudice, hoping to not bring attention to myself.

It was then I heard cluttering next to me.

I lifted my head to see that he had sat right next to me.

"I see you took my Ann Wilson comment seriously" he stated. I assumed he was referring to my noticeably darker attire today.

"i have a range of styles.. plus I was late today" I continued reading the book. "I didn't know you were in this class"

"I barely ever show up. Good thing I decided to today" he leant back in his chair, kicking his legs up onto the desk.

"are you stalking me??" I lifted my head to look at him.

"why?? you hoping I'm your newest groupie??" he raised his eyebrow.

"just a coincidence that the first time you attend your only class with me is days after you meet me" I shrugged.

"I prefer the Ann Wilson attire. you look more..."

"like you?" I finished his sentence.

"wasn't what I was gonna say but that works too" he grinned.

"we're reading Jane Austen if you feel like being a student today" I threw my copy of the book his way and picked up the schools copy that was also on my desk to continue reading.

"pride and prejudice" he read aloud. "a soppy slow burn romance.. If they made this into a TV show, more people would be bothered to learn about it"

".. you've read it before, haven't you??" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not completely uneducated" he removed his feet from the desk and sat properly.

"you are the dnd master so you must have some semblance of creativity and brains" I stated. "but Jane austen.. I was not expecting. How was your experience with Mr Darcy??"

"it.. had some appealing aspects.. but don't tell anyone, it'll ruin my rocker reputation" he lowered his voice causing me to chuckle. "as if I was mister popular anyways"

"loads of people like you" I stated.

"loads of people know me. and that's fresh coming from someone who's only known of my existence for 4 days" he raised his eyebrow.

"I'm trying to be nice" I spoke seriously.

"and your flattery is working" he smiled gently, opening up the book in front of him.

"It was kindness, not flatte-"

"god damn!" he exclaimed. "you've written notes galore in this thing"

"I like literature" I mumbled, almost embarrassed.

"that's sick. I wish I was as dedicated at you" he muttered, placing his finger to the paper as if he was reading carefully.

I noticed he wasn't reading the book though.. He was reading my notes.

There was no more conversation for the rest of the lesson.

We both read in silence before packing our books and heading for lunch.

I rushed straight to our usually table but also saw Robin and Billy sat there today.

"hey guys! Where's Axel and Dan??" I wondered.

"no idea, babe" Robin replied apologetically as Billy shrugged.

"nevermind. are you guys okay?? how was math??" I grinned at the two.

"don't you get me started" Robin sighed dramatically. "I swear Mr Hudson has something against me or something"

"he's probably jealous because you get more boobies than him" Billy nodded sternly.

"god.. Ew. Do not say that" Robin physically curled up.

"what? Boobies?" I leaned towards her.

"it's so.."

"what's wrong with that?? I like boobies.. you like boobies.. I don't see the problem!" Billy exclaimed.

"okay, let's just stop saying boobies now " I chuckled, before hearing a certain voice across the cafeteria.

I looked around before my eyes fell on a familiar face stood on a table.

Of course.

He was taunting Jason, the beloved basketball captain.

I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but I chuckled when Eddie created devil horns with his fingers and poked his tongue out at the joke.

I continued watching to see that he was sat at a table with Dustin, Will and Mike also.

"guys, I'll be back now"

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now