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"so Macbeths wife is called.." I leant back in the chair so they couldn't read my notes.

"lady macbeth!" Will bursted out.

"correct, Mr Byers" I smiled at the boy, closing the book in front of him.

"that was easy" Mike smiled.

"i was the one that answered it!" Will gawked at the boy.

"you're just quicker than me" Mike smirked.

Ah yes.

Freshman Year.

The excruciating year of doing Macbeth in English Literature.

And I have to spend my lunch time helping these two fruits with it.

I'm joking.

I love them.

"can we take a break?" Mike moaned.

"we just started!" I exclaimed.

"I know but like.. I haven't even had lunch yet! Will the Wise here dragged me straight here so we can revise" Mike frowned.

"alright alright, how about 2 more and Mike.. if you answer one of these correctly.. we can head straight to the hall and get some lunch. how does that sound??" I suggested.

Mike suddenly sat up straight in his chair which made the boy next to him chuckle.

I miss Eddie.

"actually.. you know what. you two have really impressed me with your knowledge today, how about you two quiz each OTHER on these last two questions and then you can go to lunch.. and I'm on the same table as you so I'll be able to tell" I grinned, knowing I'd be doing them and myself a favour.

They looked at each other and then looked back at me.

"you just wanna go get lunch" Will furrowed his eyebrows.

"uh no.. definitely not. I just think the information will get into your heads better if you're testing each other, you know. you'll both be learning!" I smiled at the two.

"hmm.. okay. that's a good idea actually" Mike nodded.

"cool! great! I'll come see you before the exam Friday to wish you luck" I smiled before grabbing my bag and escaping from the room.

Thank god.

You could cut the tension in there with a knife.

I returned to the lunch table once more to see the boys deep in conversation, probably about DND.

"and the lady Henderson returns!" Eddie announced as I sit back down.

"sorry, I had to help those two lovebirds with their Macbeth" I chuckled lightly.

They all furrowed their eyebrows at the use of 'lovebirds' but no one asked questions.

God they're oblivious.

"hey there, dear brother. How are you??" I turned to Dustin opposite me.

"mom is wondering when you'll be home" he said bluntly.

"shit uh.. well. I'm staying at Nancy's again tonight so tomorrow! I'll be home tomorrow" I smiled gently.

I added the 'again' in hopes that it'll stop him from asking where I've been.

"she wants to have a movie night" he didn't look all too happy about this but I actually liked movie nights with Dustin and Mom.

They're always really fun.

"brilliant" I smiled widely. "I'll be home, bud. I promise"

"you better" he gently punched my arm.

"so.. any updates on the next campaign??" I turned to the group, grabbing Dustins hat and placing it on my own head while speaking.

"uh.. we're working on it" Gareth responded.

I turned my head to Eddie who was already grinning in my direction, probably at my actions at my brother.

"you scoundrel" I felt the hat get yanked off of my head.

I gasped dramatically.

"how dare you hurt me so!" I turned to my brother.

"it's my hat!" he exclaimed.

"yeah well.. I'm older than you" I poked my tongue out at him.

"I'm gonna go find Lucas, you're annoying me" Dustin half jokingly said before grabbing his bag and escaping the table.

"my god.. you've done it" Jeff turned to me.

I looked around in confusion.

"you've gotten rid of all the kids" Gareth gasped.

Then in absolute unison, the three stood up from the chairs applauding me dramatically.

Everyone in the hall turned to look at the table but I just burrowed my head into my hands.

"you have achieved the impossible, Lady Henderson" Eddie smirked my way.

"is that my title now? Lady Henderson?" I raised my eyebrow at the lot.

"it certainly fits" Eddie kicked his legs up onto the table.

"oh! I was meaning to ask.. is there any like.. Corroded Coffin updates??" I leant into the group.

"well considering it's our last week before spring break.. Rehearsals are gonna move up two twice a week. Probably a Saturday and a Tuesday. and Gareth and I are gonna look and see if we can get us a new gig" Jeff explained.

"cool cool" I nodded gently as the ringing bell filled the hall.

The last lesson rushed by, thankfully and before I knew it, the six of us were met outside of the school.

"so, the plan is. on the way to my house is a store anyways, so can pop in.. get whatever we want, drinks, chips and then we can come to my house and.... Mike is over Lucas' house tonight we can use the basement!" Nancy explained excitedly. "is that okay with everyone??"

We all nodded in unison and took to walking out of the school gates in our little pairs.

Nancy and Jonathan.

Steve and Robin.

Me and Eddie.

It did sink in this moment that I couldn't be all close with Eddie tonight which.. well that sucks.

Eddie and I rushed to his van that he had parked outside of the school gates (so it doesn't get locked in) and grabbed a bag of clothes and supplies.

We walked in casual conversation and stopped in a superstore that was on the way to the Wheeler house.

We grabbed alcohol, chips, candy and had also planned to order a pizza a little later.

I was quite excited, if I'm being honest.

I haven't had a sleepover in ages.

I wondered what we were gonna do.

To be honest, we're gonna be drinking so anything is possible really.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now