twenty two)

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I sat there patiently, listening to the sound of the boy rustling in the next room.. a sense of desperation in his actions as if he didn't want to disappoint me.

And then it all came to a stop.

I turned my body to the door behind me to see Eddie just.. stood in the doorway.

"is everything okay??" I furrowed my eyebrows. He looked so tiny, I wanted to laugh.

"I can't find it" he pouted.

"that's.. that's okay. What time is it anyway??" I stood up from the sofa.

He turned his head to the window for a moment before turning back to me.

"dark" he stated without hesitation.

"I.." I couldn't help but chuckle. "do you wanna just go to bed??"

"yeah" he nodded.


"you sure you're okay??" I asked, making my way towards him.

"yeah, I'm all good. I just gotta warn you though.. I usually sleep topless" he grinned.

"yeah, same" I nodded softly.

He leaned forward, his eyes prominently widening.

I stared at him for a solid minute before he realised I was teasing him.

"you wish, Munson" I crinkled my nose and rushed past him, throwing myself onto his bed.

"I'll.. I'll throw a movie on" he mumbled as I pulled the blanket over my body and got comfortable. "is The Labyrinth, okay?? It's the last movie in there"

"that's perfect, Eds" I nodded as he turned around to look at me.

He sort of just.. stood there for a moment before removing his Dio t-shirt from over his head, letting it fall to the floor.

I turned my head away from him, not daring to look his way because I knew my brain would just.. explode.

I eventually felt him get into bed next to me.

We led there.. backs facing the other. I wasn't really sure what to do.
There was some.. unspoken tension going on like.. neither of us wanted to lie as we were but I think we were both scared to do anything.

It wasn't long until I felt movement on the bed and put together that Eddie had turned around to face me.

Ahhh shit.

His bed wasn't that big so I could.. feel.. his body heat.. against my back.

fucking hell.

"Y/N??" I heard after a few moments, the sound of David Bowie filling the trailer.

"yes, Eddie??" if be lying if I said my voice wasn't shaky that time.

"can you.. could.. could you just.. come closer??" he didn't even reach the middle of the sentence before wrapping his arm around my body and pulling me against him.. our bodies... touching... fuck. "is this okay??"

I had no words to say.. so i nodded aggressively and he didn't respond so I felt like he knew.

There was no conversation for the rest of the night but Eddie Munson.. Is spooning me.

Eddie Munson is my spoon tonight.

and I could die.

I want to die.

God, take me... I'm ready to die now.

I never slept better than that night.

I never wanted to wake up.

"y/n... y/n..." I heard a whisper in my ear awaking me from my deep, ever most perfect sleep.

My eyes fluttered open, I didn't even have to turn my head to see Eddie.. I could feel his hair upon my neck.

UGH I could melt.

I turned my head, finally and saw Eddie Munsons smile.

"I must be dreaming still.." I mumbled.

"oh you flirt" he smirked, pushing himself up from the bed and grabbing his t-shirt from the floor.

"you.. you don't have to.." I stated sleepily.

He shook his head at me, a small smile on his face before dropping the shirt and continuing out into the trailer.

"put some clothes on, kid!" I heard from the other room.

I sat up very quickly that morning.



I stood up from the bed and wrapped my hair in the hairband I had around my wrist.

Right.. Fuck.. Okay.. There is.. someone in the trailer..

If it is Steve or.. Dustin or.. Jonathan or... I don't know, anyone that I know... I... Am... Royally.. Fucked.

"hey" Eddie popped back into the room.

"hey" I stared at the boy.


"how about meeting my uncle??" he chuckled lightly.

His uncle... riiiiight...

"sure" I nodded gently before following him out of the room.

I entered the main area of the trailer to see a man sat at the kitchen table.. an older looking man.. probably about... 50s?? he looked a.. little scary if I'm being honest but you could tell he was actually a softie, you know the type??

Doesn't mean I wasn't terrified.

"Hey, Uncle" Eddie caught his attention. I was almost completely hidden behind him but Eddie stepped out of the way so he could introduce me. "this is Y/N"

"n-nice to meet you" I smiled softly.

"you're a lucky one" he replied bluntly.

I stared for a moment.

"why's that??" I wondered.

"he never let's people come over.. let alone stay over. he must really like you" He finally lifted his head and revealed a small smile.

"Wayne.." Eddie groaned softly, turning his head to the floor.

"it's lovely to meet you, Wayne" I grinned at his response.

It was mere moments before Eddie grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the bedroom.

"what's up with you?" I turned to the boy.

"we've got school" he shrugged, picking up a t-shirt from his floor and throwing it over his head.


"plus.. I'm embarrassed" he admitted.

"you are adorable" I tilted my head at the boy.

"I'll wait for you in the van" he smiled before exiting the room.

I removed the Hellfire t-shirt from over my head and stared around the room.. I knew I couldn't wear my t-shirt from yesterday.. they'd be suspicious so I took a moment before grabbing a fitting band t-shirt and throwing it over my head.

I ran my hands through my hair and grabbed my denim jacket from the sofa before reapplying my shoes and meeting my boy in his van.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now