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Graduation Day

And here's the day.

The day we're all both dreading and looking forward to.

I sat in my home, surrounded by the half packed boxed that filled my clothes and belongings.

I was waiting for Eddie to pick me up.

We're heading to Mike's house soon to finally have that Star Wars marathon in his basement.

I am very excited.

It reminded me of my first date with Eddie.

The day everything began.

I will never look back.

In a few days from now, Eddie and I will be moving. We found an apartment out of town and are planning to live together. We're gonna get jobs and put our brains and money together to really get Corroded Coffin on the road.

I'm really really happy.

I never thought that's what my future would be but.. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Nancy and Jonathan are going to college together.
They had trouble over the spring break since.. Nancy knew exactly what she wanted and Jonathan wasn't so sure. He wanted the best for her but.. once she made him realise that it was him... they settled on a place, they both got in and are planning on moving away together in about a months time.

On the other hand, Steve and Robin have decided to ditch college all together, much like me and Eddie. They've decided they're gonna find an apartment together in some.. far off state and just find themselves. They're gonna continue working together in their various endeavours and just see where life goes. I couldn't think of anything more perfect for them, if I'm being honest.

I heard a beep from outside.

I smiled softly, taking a deep breath before grabbing my bag and making my way out of the house.

I rushed over to the van and jumped into the passengers seat.

"hi baby!" I exclaimed.

"Heya beautiful, you seem happy today" the boy smiled.

"life is good and I'm about to go watch star wars with all my favourite people" I grinned.

"alright but you're gonna be the one answering all of Steve's questions" He raised his eyebrows at me before starting the engine.

"uggghhh" I groaned throwing my head back.

I knew he was right.

"oh hey!" I remembered. "I got you a tape.. little graduation present"

"you didn't have to do that.." he pouted.

"tough shit, big boy" I smirked before whipping the tape out of my pocket and sliding it into the tape deck.

I smiled to myself as the music filled the vehicle.

"what's this?" he furrowed his eyesbrows.

"Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, Queen" I reached over and grabbed his hand that was on the gear stick.

"good god, you're adorable" he groaned.

"ssshh!! listen to it" I squeezed his hand.

We listened to the song throughout the short car ride, the song ending as we reached the Wheeler household.

He sighed as he turned off the engine.

"you.. are.. the cutest thing to ever exist on this earth" he turned to me. "have I told you that?"

"I know that song is like.. not your style or genre or anything but.. honestly. I've never heard a song that makes me think of you more" I shrugged.

His face softened.

"my good old fashioned lover boy" I smiled before grabbing the collar of his jacket and pulling him in for a kiss. "now come on, we'll be late"

I jumped out of the van and rushed around to meet my boy on the other side.

"I love you" he frowned.

"I love you" I grabbed his hand, leading him to the Wheelers front door that was already unlocked.

I led the boy through the house and down to the basement.

"ayyyy!! there's the happy couple" Robin exclaimed as we walked down the stairs, her legs sprawled across Steve's.

"come on, y/n! you're late" Mike groaned, sitting impatiently in front of the TV.

"ummm.. I'd like to remind you that Eddie is the one with the van here" I mumbled, dropping myself down onto the couch next to Steve. Eddie joining right next to me.

"right, you all ready?" Dustin wondered.

A series of 'yeps' and 'yeahs' scattered around the room.

"ready freddie" Eddie whispered in my ear.

"jesus, I think i may the bad influence on you" I snickered.

"how's the tattoo feeling?" he asked.

"very badass" I nodded.

"oooh... might have to sneak you off later to get another look" he smirked.

"down boy" I lightly slapped his shoulder.

"guys!" Dustin exclaimed, catching our attention.

"sorry" we grinned in unison.

"now.. get ready... for your minds to be blown" Dustin smiled before pressing play.

I didn't want to remind him that every one of us except for Steve had already seen the movies but... It was almost adorable how excited he was.

I looked around the room at my friend's.

My beautiful friends.

I'm so happy.

Life is so good.


Hi lovelies!! I would unfortunately like to say that this is the end of this story.
I just want to thank you all for the love that this story has seen, its truly brought me so much happiness and joy.
Thank you to every read, every like and every comment.
It means the world.

Semi Spon: if you liked this story and you also like criminal minds, I also have a Spencer Reid X Reader story that I've started to upload! It's from 2020 so it's a little rough but it's a story I really like and I hope you will too.

I also have another Eddie Munson X Reader that I'm in the middle of writing. It did start off as a sort of vent story so there is a TW throughout the story but it's another story that's been enjoyable to write and it's just helped me a lot so if you're interested, I'd be happy to start posting the chapters on here. just let me know!!

I hope you all have a lovely day,
Thank you for reading
- Ren :)

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