thirty four)

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"it looks weird from here, huh" I mumbled staring through the closed gates of the school as Eddie lumbered the bags back into the van.

"looks better, in my opinion" he stuck his tongue out in my direction. "come on, let's go. I'm shattered"

"shattered?? you've been watching too many Queen interviews" I snickered before jumping into the passengers seat of the car.

"Freddie Mercury is a very distinguished character" he stated confidently, starting the car up once again.

"I thought Queen would be too soft for you" I mumbled.

"guilty pleasure" he shrugged.

"uh I should probably tell you.. um Nancy kind of knows" I muttered.

"kind of knows what?" he responded very quickly.

"about us" I could feel my hands shaking.

"and how does she know that?" he asked bluntly. There wasn't much emotion in his voice. It scared me.

"she clocked us.. when Steve made us kiss. She asked me about it. I didn't say anything but she promised not to tell anyone before she walked away" I explained. "I'm so sorry"

"do you trust Nancy?" he turned to me.

"of.. of course" I sat up straight in my seat.

"well.. so do I. so that's good" he smiled gently.

"hey, it's all okay. I promise" I placed my hand in his.

"I know" he lifted his hand for a moment so that he could place a kiss on mine.

We reached the trailer and didn't bother unpacking the bags before heading inside.

"bub?" he called from behind me.

"yeah?" I turned back to him.

"could we cuddle like we did earlier?" he asked, looking down at the floor.

"like what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"you know, like earlier" he shrugged.

"you mean, naked?" I cocked my eyebrow at him.

He lifted his head to look at me before nodding enthusiastically.

"you little pervert" I gawked at him before entering the bedroom.

I did as he suggested though.

Within moments, my clothes canvassed the bedroom floor.

I jumped under the covers and awaited my beauty.

"edddiiiieee!" I called out dramatically.

"I'll be there now!" he yelled from the living room.

It was only a few seconds later that he appeared in the doorway, a tape in hand.

"sorry I'm late, sweetheart" he smirked.

"what's that you got there??" I sat up, covering myself with the blanket.

"it's uh.. its a little embarrassing. I used to watch it when I was younger to help me fall asleep" he grinned nervously.

"that's so cute, what is it??" I smiled at the boy.

"It's The Wizard Of Oz" he mumbled.

"oh my god, get in this bed right now. I love that movie" I gasped, sitting up straight but forgetting about the blanket this time.

"don't have to tell me twice" he eyed my now exposed body and shoved the tape in the TV before crawling onto the bed.

"uh uh! no clothes, as we agreed" I placed my hand on his chest, gently pushing him away.

"fine" he groaned before slowly removing his clothes to the intro of The Wizard Of Oz which was.. slightly disturbing for my childhood self, if I'm being honest.

Once again, the floor was litered with clothes and he crawled under the covers next to me.

I turned to face him.

I let my hands explore every part of his body I could reach.

Not in like.. a sexual way.

Just in...

his body was really warm and against mine it just feels so.. right.

So perfect.

"I never thought it would be like this" Eddie sighed, resting his forehead against mine.

"like what, bub?" I smiled softly.

"so perfect" his eyes met mine.

In this.. weird, far too close, warped way.

I giggled.

"what??" he grinned, pulling away from me.

"I'm just very happy" i lifted my hand and just.. sifted it slowly through his curly locks. "you're just my dream"

"can I ask you a question??" he asked suddenly.

"just did but go ahead" I replied earning both a smile and a middle finger from the boy opposite me.

"do you think we should tell them?" I could see he was biting the inside of his cheek.

I opened my mouth to respond but before I could, another voice filled the room.

"tell them what??"

I didn't even move my head.

I continued staring at Eddie who's eyes were now like saucers.

I moved my eyes to look past his head and spotted none other than Steve Harrington stood in the doorway.

This is bad.

"Steve" I uttered. "what are you doing here??"

"I um.. I came looking for you guys. no one saw you leave, we were uh.. worried about you" he spoke slowly as if he was attempted to figure out what he was seeing. "plus you left the door open"


"uh yeah. sorry about that. I wasn't feeling well" Eddie replied, not even risking turning his head to look at the boy.

"you're in bed together" he stated, rather bluntly.

"yeah uh we were still tired so we decided to have a nap" I nodded.

He stared for a moment.

Please leave.

Please leave.

Please leave.

In one sharp movement, I saw something was thrown towards us, Eddie sitting up to catch it with one hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the situation.

What the fuck was that?

"you're naked in bed together!" he then exclaimed.

I turned my head and notices that Eddie's actions had caused his side of the blanket to drop to his waist.

"it's.. its not what it looks like" I shook my head.

"alright.." he nodded. "I mean, it looks like you guys are naked in bed together and that I actually did trigger some secret love affair last night but obviously my eyes are decieveing me!"

"just.. just because Eddie is topless doesn't mean that we're naked, Steve" I stated, attempting to salvage to the conversation and make him leave.

"stand up then" he crossed his arms.

"w-what?" I chuckled nervously.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now