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We made our way to the carnival and it was like a whole nother universe.

It was like a paint bomb had been dropped on Hawkins, the second you walked through the gates.

There were rides and roller-coasters.

Stalls with any and every snack you could ever think imaginable.

It was like a dream.. like a story.

"god damn.." Steve sighed.

"right. okay. food or rides first??" Eddie wondered.

"everyone's gonna throw up if we do food first" I mumbled.

"which is exactly why we should do food first" he poked his tongue out at me.

"are you really betting on me throwing up??" Steve groaned.

Eddie nodded excitedly, he was like a little puppy.

"how about.. we do some rides.. take a food break and then do more rides??" Robin suggested.

"sounds good" I attempted to squint intimidatingly at the rocker before walking to the first ride in sight.

It was the biggest roller-coaster in the place.

I grinned mischievously.

"we're starting with this.. really??" Eddie wondered.

"come on, Eds. you'll live" Robin smiled, patting his back.

"no no.. I'm not being... let's do this" Eddie nodded enthusiastically.

"let's go then" I grabbed his hand without hesitation and pulled him towards the vendor. "four please"

I pulled Eddie's wallet out of my back pocket and handed him the cash.

"thank you" I turned to Eddie, kissed the back of his wallet and passed it back to him.

He looked at me suspicious while sliding his wallet back into his pocket.

The four of us rushed forward and took our seats on the coaster. Luckily it was a fourseater so we could all sit together.

I'm not usually a fan of rollercoasters but this one was a thrill.

I went so high that you could practically see all of Hawkins.. It was beautiful.

I turned to look at Eddie who was sat next to me.

He was also smiling at the view in front of him.

"you regret coming on this now??" I leaned into him.

"not in the slightest" he grinned.

I've never seen him smile before.

Not like properly like he's doing now.

This is a real smile.

I smiled back at him before turning my attention to the view once more.

Once the ride ended, we did a few more... they were all roughly the same but it was still really fun.

About mid day, we decided to take a break and got some pretzels.

Though I began fearing for my life when Steve also got a milkshake.

I turned slowly to see Eddie already grinning my way.


"are you glad you came today??" Robin wondered.

"yeah.. today.. its been great" I smiled.

"well it's not over yet, beautiful" Steve grinned.

"you two have.. never been an item, right??" Eddie chimed in.

Steve and I looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"no.. no no.." I cackled. "no.. Steve and I.. we've been best friends since day one. Nothing like that.. at all.. ever"

"well that's only because you've been with Axel since day one" he mumbled. "I'm joking! I'm joking! you're a goddess on earth but no.. no nothing like that"

"why you asking.. Eds?" Robin smirked.

"you two just seem really.. close so I thought I'd ask" he shrugged, taking a swig of his beer.

I felt my face warm up.

I'm not really sure why.

"right. So.. more rides??" I suggested.

"what's even left??" Robin asked.

"there are a few stalls where you can win things and then just the ferris wheel" Eddie mumbled.

"let's go then" I grinned.

We headed towards the stalls and.. they had your typical... shoot as many bottles in a minute... throw the balls in the hoops games.

I always thought those game to be boring but they were actually quite fun.

We played for about an hour and unfortunately.. I had no luck.

Neither did Robin.

But as the sweeties they are, Steve won me a Rabbit plushie and Eddie won Robin a Frog plushie.. which was really sweet.

"what're you gonna call him??" Eddie caught my attention next to me.

"hmm.. Eden. I think" I nodded.

"I like that. It suits her" he smiled soflty. "how about you Robin??"

"oh I'm naming this baby Leia" She exclaimed excitedly.

"is that because you have a massive crush on Carrie Fisher in Star Wars??" I wondered.

"obviously" she mumbled, cuddling the frog close to her face so I could barely hear what she was saying.

"you're sweet for getting that for her. She seems really happy" I smiled gently.

He gasped loudly.

"was that... a compliment??" he fell on me dramatically.

"shut up" I shoved him lightly. "I compliment you"

"not today. you've been a little naughty bitch today, haven't you??" he chuckled.

"I.. It's my first time outside in ages, leave me alone" I turned my face away from him.

What did he just call me??

"you used my money, teasing me with my wallet, the whole flirt thing with Stev-"

"me and Steve have always been like that" I stated.

"Hey... I'm joking. I'm trying to wind you up" he admitted.

"I know.." I felt my face redden.

"fuck.." Steve stopped in front of me.

"what??" Robin wondered.

"there's only two seats on the ferris wheel.. not those like.. booths they usually have" Steve pouted.

"well that's okay. We can go in one together and those two can go in one together.. simple" Robin smiled.

Before I could even say anything, they had already rushed forward to buy their tickets.

"I'll get this one" I mumbled, grabbing money out of my own pocket this time.

He didn't object so I got the tickets and led him into the strange two person booth of the ferris wheel.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now