thirty eight)

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Authors note//

So uh.. long time no see haha

I'm so sorry for the small hiatus, I had a lot going on in my life but I'm feeling a bit.. freer now.
If you couldn't tell by the titles of the chapters.. We are in the last few chapters of the story.
This has been a very wonderful experience that I'm glad you've all been by my side on.
Your support and love means the world.
I also promise you're not gonna have to wait weeks for the next update.
- Ren :)


School was um.. the same I guess. I'm gonna be honest, I am still recovering from Eddie yesterday. He keeps smirking me every time I look at him.

He definitely knows.

"so... Y/N? how was your kiss with Eddie?"

"Will. you're supposed to be revising" I lifted my head at Will and Mike opposite me.

"we know! we're just.. asking" Mike shrugged.

"you are both so annoying. It was a dare" I rolled my eyes.

"was it really though?" Will smirked.

"or was it more??" Mike gasped.

"I'm gonna fail you myself if you don't revise now come on! ask each other questions" I shook my head.

"alright! alright.." Mike nodded turning to the boy next to him. "Will.. do you think Eddie likes y/n?"

"right! enough" I stood up.

"you told me to ask him questions!" he exclaimed.

"fine" I sighed. "if I answer your questions, will you work??"

They both nodded enthusiastically.

"why did Steve dare you to do that?" Will asked.

"he dared Eddie to do it and, it was payback cause I teased about a crush he used to have" I shrugged.

"damn" Mike mumbled. "did you like the kiss?"

"it was.. it was nice. he's a good kisser" I tried my hardest to stop myself from blushing.

"you're blushing!" Will practically screamed.

"I'm embarrassed, you guys are embarrassing me" I stated.

"are you gonna get together??" Mike asked.

"seriously??" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"you'd be like our parents!" He exclaimed.

"hey, you have Steve and Robin for that. I will not be taking their place" I crossed my arms. "is that all of your questions??"

They both thought for a moment before nodding.

"good. now work, I'm here if you need any help" I sat back down in my chair and watched as the two awkwardly quizzed each other.

God they're adorable.

I think i was subconsciously avoiding Eddie a little bit.

I'm not exactly sure why.. I guess I just felt a little.. awkward after yesterday.

I didn't really know where we stood.

I decided to ditch the rest of lunch and just head to Maths early.

I had Jonathan in this class anyways.

I love Jonathan.

He'll keep my mind off of things.

"so I heard about Eddie" he smirked as I sat down.


"you heard what?" I turned to look at him, sighing in defeat.

"that you and Eddie headed off together.. after the sleepover" he replied.

I let out a heavy breath.

"oh.. yeah. I found him outside and he said he felt ill so I walked him back to school.. he left his van here and then he just gave me a life home cause I had plans with Dustin" I smiled, turning back to my desk.

"is he okay?" he frowned.

My cheeks burned at the thought of the boy.

"yeah.. yeah, he's fine" I tried my best not to smile. "now come on, Math boy. we got some work to do"

The lesson was soon over and so was the day. I hadn't seen Eddie.. pretty much at all today which sucked but we had band practice so it wouldn't be long before I'd see him again.

I leant back onto the marble walls of Hawkins High as the students flooded past me.

"well well well... look who finally decided to show her face" I turned to see the cross-armed boy stood in the middle of the doorway. He jogged closer to me before breaking out into a grin. "I missed you"

"missed you too, Munson" I returned the smile. "sorry I didn't see you at lunch, I was helping the boys with their English Exam"

"no apologise needed, just kick ass at band practice" he nudged my shoulder as we began making our way to his van.

"and kicking ass I will do, Eddie" I nodded, jumping into the passengers seat.

"you seem weird today, what's wrong?" he got into the seat next to me.

"Eddie.. you fucked me in the school bathroom yesterday" a light laugh escaped my lips.

"did you not like it?" his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"don't be stupid, Eddie" I grinned. "I've just.. I don't know. I've never done anything like that before. I guess I've felt a little weird"

"is that why you didn't come to lunch?" he asked.

"I'm sorry" I relaxed my shoulders.

"you're adorable" he intertwined his fingers with mine. "don't do it again though. I almost died with how much I missed you today"

"me too" I smiled.

He lifted our intertwined hands and kissed mine gently.

I repeated his action but instead licked the entire length of his hand, his face rippling in disgust.

"and you ruined it" he dropped my hand and started the engine,, loud laughter escaping from my small body.

I managed to contain my laughter and leant forward to adjust the radio, the van filling up with the sounds of Freddie Mercury as we made our pleasant way to band practice.

Which was relatively the same as usual, if I'm being honest.

Singing songs, discussing new covers, lunch breaks and who can forget Eddie and I sneaking kisses when the other two weren't looking.

"I've got us a gig for next Saturday" Gareth suddenly announced as we were packing up.

"what?" Eddie turned his head to the band.

"you know that bar down the street?" He asked.

"The Hudson" Eddie nodded.

"the one we met at" I turned to Eddie who smiled in return.

"well... I guess we gotta get a set list ready" Eddie grinned. "Corroded coffin is back in business, baby!"

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now