twenty six

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"you know what?" the boy asked as we walked into school.

"what's that, Mr Munson??" I wondered.

"instead of me picking you up at 5, why don't we just hang out from after school and go there together" he suggested with a gently shrug.

"that sound.. perfect, actually. What can we do??" I smiled at him.

"well.. I uh.. I actually think we should talk" he mumbled every so nervously.


"before band practice? That sounds serious" I chuckled softly to avoid the fact that my chest was pounding.

"no no.. you're right. We'll talk afterwards, Um.. We could go visit Steve and Robin at work for a little" he turned to me.

"yeah.. yeah, that sounds good" I smiled tightly.

"what's wrong??" he stopped and turned his body to me.

"I just.. you need to talk" I lowered my head to the ground.

"I just want to talk about us" he lowered his voice.

I lifted my head to meet his eyes.

I nodded softly.

I still wasn't completely sure what he meant by that but he certainly reassured me there.

The classes went by, boringly and lunch went by uninterestingly.

Okay, that's a bit rude.

They spent the time talking through their latest DND victory.

I am very proud of them.

But since I'm not in the club, it.. doesn't really have anything to do with me.

The day finished as I made my way out of the building to see Eddie Munson, foot up against the wall waiting for me.

"you ready to go?" he pushed himself off of the wall and stood in front of me.

"are you sure they're not gonna be suspicious??" I wondered.

"of what?" he grinned.

"us hanging out together.." I shrugged.

"they hang out ALL the time and no one thinks they're dating" Eddie pointed out.

Yeah but that's cause..

He's got a point, regardless.

"fair enough" I nodded sternly before walking side by side with the boy out of the area.

"did you have a good day today??" he suddenly asked, very out of the blue.

"look at you being all domestic.. it was alright, thanks. missed you though" I mumbled.

"fuck off" he pushed my shoulder gently. "but yeah, school kinda sucks. I miss English so I can actually properly talk to you. Lunch is fun but i can't be.. me when I talk to you. I have to be Eddie Munson, DND master"

"don't worry, I like him too but.. yeah I get what you mean" I sighed.

I wanted to enjoy this conversation but I still couldn't help but think about the talk later.

My brain jumped from conclusion to conclusion.

How could it not?

But would Eddie really hang out with me for the whole day and say cute shit like this if the talk was gonna be negative, bad??

that'd be kinda shitty.

I don't think he'd do that to me.

"you're in your head, what's up??" he wondered.

"I'm okay, Eds. promise" I nodded gently as we continued making our way to the wondrous workplace of Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. "are they even working today?"

"no idea. if not, we can just pick up a movie to watch tonight" he grinned.

"oh so I'm staying over again tonight??" I raised my eyebrow at the boy.

"I.. I don't know, I just assumed" he shrugged.

"you're good at that" I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder for a mere second.

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not" he stated slowly.

I shrugged at the boy, poking my tongue out at him before pushing the door into the video store.

"y/n!" I heard as we entered the building.

"what are you doing here??" Steve asked as I approached the counter.

"Eddie Munson too, this is our lucky day" Robin smirked as the boy joined by my side.

"just thought we'd visit" I shrugged.

"yeah, this lovely one is auditioning for corroded coffin tonight so I thought we'd come visit you before" Eddie nodded softly.

"Eddie, you angel. we've missed you" Steve finally approached us.

"phew, get a room you two" I snickered earning a high five from the girl opposite me. "and how about me!"

"I saw you yesterday, you've had your turn" Steve turned his head away from me dramatically.

I gawked at the boy.

Absolutely offended at this rudeness.

"I'm joking" the boy smiled, lifting my hand and placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.

I thought the gesture was very cute but the sound of Eddie clearing his throat next to me almost make me want to laugh out loud.

Little jealous boy.

"you're so gay, harrington" I yanked my hand back. "so.. how's business??"

"we have sold so many copies of Pretty In Pink, I'm exhausted" Robin sighed.

"what's that??" I furrowed my eyebrows at the girl.

"oh its this new flick that came out a few weeks ago, you know Molly Ringwald??" Steve chirped.

"oh that absolute angel? Of course I do" I replied excitedly.

"you got any more copies??" Eddie chimed in.

"you want a copy, Munson??" Robin smirked at the boy, she was clearly amused at this.

"fuck yeah, I love a bit of Ringwald" Eddie exclaimed.

"we learn something new about you every day, Mr DND Master" I nudged his shoulder with my own.

"how much??" the boy asked, slapping the first sum of money that he collected from his pocket onto the desk.

"uhhhh that looks about right" Robin grinned sliding the money into her own hands and then into the register.

Eddie grabbed the tape and lodged into his bag, completely oblivious to the fact that was probably just scammed by our best friends.

"right. Well.. its nice to meet you. We should probably go" Eddie smiled at the two.

"have a good practice, you two" Steve waved his hands as if he was boarding a giant ship in the 1910s. "also we're all chilling at Nancy's tomorrow night! 7pm! Don't forget!"

"god forbid if you have to spend more time with this fucker" Robin joked, leaning into me.

"I know right" I jokingly rolled my eyes before shooting a grin at the boy next to me.

"right! enough of this bullying. fuck you both" Eddie exclaimed dramatically before pulling me out of the store.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now