forty one)

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Here we are.

The last day of school before spring break.

I entered the school gates, my body and mind still on a high from my night with Eddie.

My hip was still sore but the adrenaline that rushed through my body was more than enough to make me not care.

I saw Eddie and Steve waiting by the front doors of the school.

We didn't exactly have a school schedule today.

It was just a pep rally before the end of term and.. that's pretty much it.

"hey boys" I smiled as I approached the two. I yelped as I was pulled into a tight hug from who I assumed was my boyfriend.

"god you guys are too cute" Steve rolled his eyes jokingly.

"shut up, Harrington" Eddie smirked, pushing his shoulder as he pulled away from our hug but kept his arm around my waist.

"well you two seem to be in a good mood this morning" Steve crossed his arms.

"just happy" I leant my head against the boys'.

"plussss it's the end of term so only a few hours before we escape this hell hole for two weeks!" Eddie exclaimed.

"you got any plans, Harrington?" I smiled.

"uhhh.. probably not. I'm assuming we're all gonna hang out though?" he wondered.

"don't be so stupid, Harrington. of course we are" Eddie smirked.

"you better" Steve smiled, taking a moment to just.. stare at the two of us. "God you're both just so cute, I'm glad you're together"

"you're what?"

I heard a voice behind me.

A familiar voice.

Oh fuck.

I saw Steve's eyes widen as stepped away from Eddie's touch.

"you're together?" I turn to see the last person I would've liked to see speaking those words.

"Henderson" Eddie spoke softly.

"you're a couple?" Dustin asked once more.

"I fucking knew it" I turned my head to see... oh fucking wonderful.

Robin stood there with a confident smirk on her face.

There was Nancy by her side, followed by Jonathan, Will and Mike who all looked.. nothing other than baffled.

I didn't know what to say.

"Dustin I..." I spoke hesitantly.

I couldn't read his face.

I didn't know whether he was happy or angry or.. I couldn't tell.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now