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We spent time at the video store until their shift ended before Dustin and I made our way back home.

"goodnight, little one. love you" I called after my brother as he disappeared into his room.

Within seconds, I heard his voice call through the walkie talkie at his friends.

I couldn't help but smile to myself.

I entered my own room, taking off my jacket in the process.. not before adding my new tape to the collection though.

It was an almost humorous comparison between our collections.

Mine was carefully and alphabetically coded so I'd always know what I'm looking for, while his was just a pile on the floor.

To be fair, I think his is a little bit tidier.. It seemed like he was in a little bit of a rush to find this tape.

I threw myself down onto my bed, and whipped out of my copy of Frankenstein to do some reading before bed.

Though it wasn't long before my reading was interrupted and I heard a knock at my window.

Deja Vu.

I sighed before putting my book down and leaning up against my window to see who it was.

Surprise Surprise.

Eddie Munson stood in the middle of my front garden, waving up at the window.

I smiled softly before reapplying my jacket to my body and rushing downstairs. I grabbed the housekeys before meeting the boy outside.

"funny seeing you here" I chuckled.

"I wanted to see you" he stated.. rather bluntly.

"you wanted to see me?" I fluttered my eyelids.

"yes now come here!" he grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from the house.

"dude! where are we going??" I chuckled, following behind him.

We walked hand in hand for a little bit.

I like this time of night.

It's just so peaceful and quiet.

The moon is shining brightly and everything just feels... perfect.

We walked until we reached a picnic table in the middle of the woods.

"is this where you finally murder me??" I laughed gently, taking a seat at the table.

"nah.. save that for another day" he poked his tongue out at me, taking a seat himself. "I missed you today"

"yeah.. you sorta just.. took off" I chuckled.

"you weren't alone, were you??" he panicked a little.

"no.. no, I was with Robin today" I nodded gently.

"ah yes.. the lovely Robin" he smiled. "she's cool"

"yeah, she's the best" I laughed lightly.

There was a moment of silence before he held his hand over his heart, dramatically throwing himself back off of the bench, scaring the shit out of me.

"oh how you hurt me, Wilson" he threw his head down dramatically.

"fucking hell, Eds. you scared the shit out of me" I stood up quickly.

He lifted his head but this time he was sporting a large grin.

"you're such a drama queen" I scoffed, sitting back down.

"oh yeah. well you.. are beautiful" he shrugged, making his way back over to me.

"what was that??" I smiled softly.

"I said you're beautiful" he sat back down.

"that has.. nothing to do with what I said" I chuckled.

"I think it does, we were exchanging truths, right??" he scratched his head.


That was smooth.

"you're an idiot" I chuckled nervously, looking down at my lap to hide my prominently reddening face.

"do you have anything to say back to me??" he pouted.

I sighed.

"you're beautiful too, Eds" I smiled.

"careful there, someone'll think you have a crush on me" he gasped.

I stayed silent.

I stared at him for a moment.

Just watching him.

"why did you take me out here tonight??" I wondered.

"can i take you out?? " he mumbled, completely taking me off guard.

".. w-what?" I didn't know what to say.

"you heard me. don't make me say it again" he chuckled nervously.

"you wanna take me out??" I asked. "well.. I don't mean to alarm you but.. we're already out"

He sighed.

"you know what I mean, Y/N" he mumbled.

I was alarmed at the use of my actual name but..

I did know what he meant.

He wants to take me out..

Eddie Munson wants to take me out.

"do you wanna... spend the day together tomorrow??" he asked gently.

"what would we do??" I leaned forward, resting my head on my hands.

"um.. I could pick you up at like.. 5pm. We could go get food.. like.. dinner and uh they're replaying The Empire Strikes Back downtown so.. we could go and watch that" he suggested.

"that's my favourite star wars movie" I smiled.

"mine too" he chuckled. "so uh.. how does that sound??"

"it sounds like a Date, Mr Munson" I tried to hide my smile.

"is that okay??" he was clearly nervous.. I felt quite bad for him.

"yeah, that's okay" I nodded.

I wanted to scream inside.

All I could do was smile but the amount of energy and joy that filled my chest.

I could just scream.

"cool uh.. yeah. that's.. that's great" he grinned, hiding his face with his hair for a moment. "I'll uh.. I'll walk you home"

I nodded before standing up from the bench and walking towards the boy.

I lifted my head to look at him.

I caught his eye and wanted to scream at how his face instantly went red.

I reached forward and intertwined my fingers with his, this time pulling him out of the forest and back towards my house.

We walked in a comfortable silence.

I was still very nervous but he kept rubbing my hand with his thumb which just... it just made me melt.

"thank you.. for coming to my house tonight" I stopped him in front of the door.

"it's okay" he smiled widely to himself before planting a kiss on the back of my hand. "I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?"

"can't wait. goodnight, Eds" I grinned at the boy, finally pulling my hand away.

"night Wilson" he bowed to me.

I chuckled softly before reentering my house.

I pressed my back against the front door after it had closed and stared for a second.

I couldn't stop the squeal from escaping my mouth.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now