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I followed behind him into his own trailer and in the best way, I was not at all surprised.

It was dark, and.. messy in a lovable way.. and very simply decorated but
It was nice.. cosy.

"welcome.. to my humble abode" he threw his arms out before turning on one foot towards the kitchen area.

"I like it" I nodded.

"you don't have to lie.. its a shithole" he chuckled, grabbing a box of cereal out of the cupboard.

"no no.. It's cosy. and loveable. and I like it" I stated.

"you're serious??" he asked, a mouthful of cornflakes.

"deadly" I squinted my eyes at him before joining him in the kitchen.

"what'd you like??" he wondered. "popcorn?? crisps??" I can make you some spaghetti hoops??"

"hmm.. spaghetti hoops with some bread to dip in... big bowl of popcorn.. and some cheetos??" I suggested.

"you.. are.. perfect" he grinned. "go on, go into my room and make yourself at home"

I saluted at the boy before making my way into the room he was pointing at.

It was a rather small room.

The first thing I noticed was the guitar hanging up on the wall, right opposite the door.

I smiled softly.

There's a single bed in the corner with a.. surprisingly big TV facing it.

Band posters covered the wall and I noticed a pile of tapes in the corner of the room.

I chuckled, picturing him rummaging through tapes on the ground to find the journey one for me.

That's so cute.

I walked towards the TV and crouched down to find the movie we planned on watching tonight.

The Lost Boys..

Back To The Future..

Metallica - Live At The Metal Hammer


Indiana Jones

Rocky.. Horror Picture Show??

Eddie Munson.

you continue to surprise and shock me.

I finally found The Labyrinth and turned on the TV, sliding in the tape.

I had to do the horrific process of rewinding the movie back to the beginning but thankfully it didn't take too long.

I paused it, threw myself onto the bed and waited for the boy.

"and here, my lady. Is your meal" the boy with the biggest grin on his face, emerged into the room with a large tray in his hands.

He grabbed the crisps and popcorn, throwing them onto the bed and placed the tray down gently.

"one second" he grinned before exiting the room, returning after only a few moments with two cans of coke in his hands.

"no beer?" I wondered as he took a seat next to me.

"nah. I'm happy today" he grinned, grabbing the bowl of spaghetti hoops and cuddling down unto the bed.

I grabbed the TV remote and pressed play.

The moment the movie began, I was transported to when I watched this movie for the first time.. this movie.. I would not be where I am or who I am without this movie.. without Bowie.

"you've seen this before, right??" I turned to the boy, who had almost finished his bowl already.

I fucking love spaghetti hoops.

"I am cultured, yes" he scoffed. "who do you think I am?"

I chuckled at his dramatics before finally turning to my own bowl of food.

I love a cultured meal.

It was one of the best nights of my life.

We laugh, we sang.. It was beyond magical.

"hmmm" I groaned, resting my head on his shoulder as the movie ended.

"what's up, buttercup?" he wondered, resting his hand on my head.

"it's over" I pouted.

"that's okay, what time is it??" he asked.

I grabbed his wrist and looked at the watch.

"shit" I jumped up. "I gotta go"

I crawled off the bed to leave but Eddie suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back onto the bed.

"no.. you should stay here.. with me" he mumbled.

"but my parents.." I frowned.

"call them??" his eyes were wide and bright.

"I guess I could call them and tell them I'm staying over a friends house" I shrugged.

He smiled softly before letting go of my wrist.

"it's by the sofa" he yelled as I exited the room.

I found the phone, dialled my house number and speedily let me parents know that I'd be staying over Robins house...


There's no way they'd let me stay over a guys house.

"jesus when did you get so.." but I was cut off by the boy.

"so what?" he stared at me.

"so clingy" I smirked.

He gawked at me.

"i am not clingy" he crossed his arms like a child having a tantrum.

"you definitely are" I chuckled, climbing back onto the bed to sit next to him.

"am not!" he exclaimed, there was a brief moment before I felt pressure on my sides as he began tickling me.

"oh no you fucking didn't" I shoved myself away from him almost instantly.

"oh yes I fucking did" he grinned playfully.

"you're a dick" I threw a pillow at him before sitting down next to him.

"wanna watch another movie??" he rested his head on my shoulder.

"okay" I snickered, leaning my head on his.

"I know you snooped through my collection so what's next??" he wondered.

"oh definitely rocky horror picture show" I replied almost instantly.

"shit.. you saw that??" he chuckled, leaning away from me.

"fuck yeah! please god don't be embarrassed about this. That movie is golden!" I grinned.

"you don't think it's like.. super unmanly to like rocky horror??" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"dude.. I like David Bowie. are you kidding me??" I chuckled before crawling off the bed once more.

I slid the tape into the TV and rewinded it back to the beginning as I had did with the previous.

I returned to the bed, resting my head on his once more and we enjoyed the wondrous cult classic, before falling asleep.

A wonderful ending to a wonderful day.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now