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I went to school the next day.

I didn't really feel up for it but.. I missed Eddie so.

There was really no choice.

I knew I wasn't gonna see him a lot throughout the day but at least I didn't have to tutor Will and Mike so I could join him at lunch.

I threw open the front doors of the school and made my way down the corridor, I knew I didn't have any time to waste as I plan my mornings perfectly so that I get to school right before lessons start.

I knew that my friends were here every morning and I knew where they were.
I think just a part of me felt like I'd show up early and no one would be here and it'd just be awkward and lonely so I just thought.. hey! I'll just get to school right in time for lessons.

So that's what I do.

Unfortunately for today, I don't have any lessons with friends but at least I'll see my boys at lunch.

A part of me was somewhat thankful, being on my own would make the day go by quicker.

The sooner it'd be tomorrow, the sooner it'd be spring break.

Not that I'm actually doing anything for spring break but.. oh well.

The way went by quickly as I expected and I truly could not wait for lunch as I pretty much sprinted to the hall.

I launched through the door as my eyes quickly fell on the familiar table across the room.

I walked quickly and dropped myself into the remaining empty seat on the table. My eyes instantly fell on the beautiful boy that sat at the opposite side of the table, he seemed heavy in thought.

"Y/N!" Will and Mike exclaimed in unison.

I smiled.

"hiya munchkins, how'd the exam go?" I leaned into the two.

They both shared a look before turning back to me.

"well.. I'm not too confident about my ability but I certainly did better with your help than I would've without!" Mike grinned, earning an eyeroll from Will.

"we did great, don't worry" Will nodded.

"I'm so proud of you guys" I replied,

"well, if it isn't Y/N Henderson" I heard Gareth speak from up the table. "long time no see"

Now that caught Eddie's attention.

"I saw you guys on Tuesday" I snickered, noticing the banished boys eyes fall on me.. a grin slowly growing on his stubbled face.

"how you feeling, Henderson?" his voice startled me.

"better now I'm back, Edster" I grinned at the boy who simply tipped his invisible cowboy hat in return.

The conversation carried on throughout lunch.

And by conversation, I mean that I nodded along to the tables conversation as Eddie and I continued stealing glances at each other.

His eyes are so beautiful.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now