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"what was she like??" I asked.

"she was.. she was.. well.. she's the reason I'm like this today" he laughed.. clearly nervous.

"like what?" I tilted my head.

"I.. uh.. nevermind. I shouldn't.. it's not fair to blame her" he mumbled.

"you seem scared" I stated. "we don't have to talk about this, Eds"

"no.. no. you asked and you.. I probably should tell someone at some point, you know" he smiled softly.

"you never told anyone about this relationship??" I wondered.

"well.. that's mostly because I can't remember most of it" he stated.

He's being very vague.

I almost feared for his life.

"I only remember our break up" he nodded sternly.

"what happened?" I almost hated myself for asking that question.

"it was a.. messy breakup. I guess you could say" he muttered. "we were both going through a tough time so uh.."

He gulped rather loudly.

"you wanna talk about this on the way?? so.. we're not in the middle of a diner?" I asked, the boy nodding quickly in response.

I slapped some cash onto the table, enough to cover the meal and grabbed Eddie's hand.

We made our way out of the diner and walked in silence for a few moments. His hands were cold.

"the day we broke up. I made a deal with her. on that day.. I wouldn't drink today.. and she didn't kill herself today and.. we both promised. a pretty shitty deal on my part but.. I was young and stupid and desperate to keep this girl alive.. happy.. loved" he stated.. just.. emotionlessly.

"fucking hell babe" I gripped onto his hand tighter.

"I almost drank myself into a coma that night" he chuckled lightly.

"you broke your promise?? Is that why it ended??" I wondered.

"no.. no.. she broke hers first" he spoke bluntly.

I froze.

I was pulled a little by the boy who had continued to walk but soon enough he stopped. He turned to me as if to wonder... 'what are you doing?'.. I didn't have a way to respond. I just grabbed him and pulled him in for possibly the tightest hug in existence.

"I can't breathe, Wilson" he laughed lightly but I continued hugging him.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry" I almost felt like crying myself.

That poor girl.

This poor boy.

"hey.. hey" he pulled away. "it's okay"

"why didn't you tell anyone??" I asked.

"how could I? I just sort of.. blocked the memory out of my head and now I just.. try not to think about it every day" he shrugged.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. neither of you deserved that" I frowned.

"hey.. it's.. it's whatever" he mumbled.

"thank you for trusting me" I kissed his cheek at such a speed, I don't even think he noticed for a second.

It wasn't long until the boy broke out into a cheeky grin.

"when did it happen?" I asked rather bluntly.

"June 6th" he stated almost instantly.

"that's not far away. let's do something" I stated.

".. what.. like.. celebrate??" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"NO! like.. bring flowers to her parents or.. to her. I don't know.. maybe it'll be nice.. It could bring you both closure" I suggested.

"that.. that would be nice" he nodded gently. "now come on.. we've got star wars to watch"

I nodded in response, knowing that he probably wanted to move on with the subject. We continued walking hand in hand, in a comfortable silence before reaching the cinema.

"popcorn and drinks??" he wondered as we reached the front of the queue.

"hmm.. half and half.. full fat coke" I smiled.

"perfect.. now go head on in, I won't be long" he poked his tongue out at me.

I saluted in response and disappeared into the theatre to find our seats.

And this boy indeed has good taste because we had.. excellent seats.

He emerged into the room after a few minutes.. like an excitable little puppy as he looked around for me.

god he's so cute.

I waved over at him to get his attention and here he came.. burling over to me with a drink in each hand and a giant popcorn tub balanced between his elbow and his hip.

"I would've come to help you!" I exclaimed taking my drink from him and placing it in the cup holder.

"I mean.. I was gonna ask but I just realised that you paid for our food so I thought it was only fair" he shrugged leaning over to kiss my cheek in a way that was so nonchalant as if he hadn't just KISSED MY FUCKING CHEEK.

I felt my face burst into flames as he cheekily sipped on his drink.

God I'm never gonna get used to this.

I was unbelievably excited since I hadn't watched these movies in years.. weird since it's my favourite of the three but surprisingly the video is damn expensive.

We watched the movie in pure and utter bliss and exited the theatre in the same fashion.

"this is the best date I've ever been on" I sighed, spinning in the cold Hawkins air.

"really?!" he exclaimed, grabbing my hand to stop me from spinning. "well.. I mean.. I only really have Axel to compete with"

"that and you're just.. the best.. dater" I shrugged.

"would you.. be interested in that second date??" he cupped my face with his hands.

"I'm not so sure about the handcuffs buttttt... apart from that..." I tilted my head looking around for a moment before grinning at the boy. "I would love nothing more"

"great.. Great.. cool" he nodded pulling away from me.

"are you smiling??" I gasped grabbing his hand once more.

"nope.. no smiles here" he dramatically turned his head away from me.

"you're smiling!" I exclaimed.

"come on, you dork. let me take you home" he shook his head before sprinting as fast as he could down the road... his hand still in mine, bear in mind.

Surprisingly, it only took 7 minutes to get home tonight.

Authors Note///

hi hi pretty people!
Thank you so much for the love on this story so far. I'm just so glad you're all loving it as much as i do, it means the world.
I'm sorry to say that I'm not gonna be uploading as often for the next couple days, I'm having a bit of writers block in conclusion of my current mental state. I'll still be uploading as often as I can and most likely more so after Vol.2 comes out. Thank you for reading.

Lots of love,

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now