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"thank you.. for that" I nodded gently. "worth missing school for?"

"most things are worth missing school for" he snickered. "speaking of, you wanna ditch and go watch a movie??"

"is anything even playing this time of day??" I wondered.

"we'll go back to mine. you can see my collection" he grinned.

"okay" I smiled softly.

"really?" his eyes lit up.

"yeah" I nodded before lifting myself up from the grass.

"we could listen to that song again later, if you'd like" he suggested.

"What a thrilling day.. I get to hear the new Roses song.. i get to see where the wondrous Eddie Munson lives AND I get to see his movie collection" I sighed dramatically.

"I know. you're very lucky" he smirked, getting up from the floor himself.

"lucky is one word for it" I crinkled my nose at him.

"lead the way, Munson" I threw my arm out to let him pass me.

"how kind of you, Wilson" he grinned.

"alright.. so. talk me through your collection" I shrugged as we began walking out of the school zone.

"oh I already know what we're watching" he scoffed.

"and what's that??" I turned my head to him.

"have you ever seen the 1986 movie The Labyrinth, starring David Bowie??" he smirked.

"that is only one of my favourite movies of all time, yes" I nodded.

"there you go" he chuckled.

"you know, you've really surprised me. I didn't think you'd be a Bowie fan but.. a movie.. tapes.." I stated.

"what can I say?? I'm full of surprises" he grinned cheesily.

"I'd love to watch it with you, Eds" I laughed lightly.

"I've got beer and snacks too so we are allllll set" he sighed.

"do you wanna invite like Steve and stuff??" I wondered.

"uh.. um.. well he's gonna be working today, isn't he.. and everyone else is busy so" he spoke quickly.

"okay" I smiled.

I don't know why but..

I felt nervous.

I never feel nervous around him but today... everytime I felt his hand brush by mine, I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack.

I don't know what's happening.

"have you ever dated someone??" I asked suddenly.

"woah.. where did that come from??" he chuckled.

"I don't know.. you were asking about my relationship" I shrugged.

"uh.. not really" he laughed awkwardly. "I had a massive crush on someone in Freshman year but since then.. I've just been in the same place with the same people so.. nothing ever really came up"

"who was that someone??" I asked gently.

"umm.. Steve Harrington" he spoke as if.. he didn't just.. say what he just said.

"what!?" I almost tripped on the grass in front of me.





So he's..



"so you're.. uh.." I failed to find the words.

"no no no.. I just.. I just like people. no matter who they are, I just like people" he smiled softly. "and you're the first person I've ever told that to"

"I won't tell a soul" I shook my head. "I mean.. I've never really thought about it but I guess I'm sort of the same.. I don't really care"

"that's hot" he said bluntly.

"shut up" I shoved his shoulder gently. "so you liked Steve??"

"yup" he nodded.

"not even Steve but like.. when he was the king of the school absolutely asshole Steve" I gawked at him.

"I thought he was cool! and his hair.. god he has good hair" he frowned. "it was only a.. short thing and once we became friends, it just stopped"

"wow that is so sweet" I spoke sarcastically.

"no.. I.. I think i was just.. attracted to him in the same way every girl was. When I actually became friends with him.. I saw how nice and.. dorky and.. just how much of a good guy he is. I was just like... yeah this guys my friend" he explained.

"that's.. actually really sweet" I chuckled lightly. "so uh.. where do you live??"

"bit of a distance so we'll have to get my van, it's only there" he smiled at me.

"that's a damn cool van" I nodded gently.

"I'm glad you approve" he chuckled.

We reached the van and I jumped into the passengers seat, Eddie in the drivers seat.

It fucking stinks of weed.

"I didn't know you drove" I stated.

"well... we are in my van" he turned to me slowly.

"no.. I meant like. you seemed like the type that wouldn't really care for.. that type of stuff" I shrugged.

"I'm not a stereotype, you know??" he scoffed. "I live far away from the school and my uncle is always out so I needed someway to get by in life"

"sorry.. I.. I didn't mean to.. my bad" I nodded slowly.

"I'm not like.. rich, you know. I don't like in a giant suburban household with three bathrooms and a backyard. I'm not Steve Harrington.. I'm not Jason Carver" he spat.

"hey.. I don't want you to be either of those people. I don't want you to be anyone else other than you" I placed my hand on his. "I can't wait.. to go home with you, grab some snacks and watch a banging movie together"

"sorry.. you're just.. apart from my band mates. you're the first person to come home with me" he admitted.

"does that make me one of your groupies now??" I smirked.

"ha.. I definitely don't just watch movies with my groupies.. not that I have groupies.. I've.. I've never.. I don't have groupies" he chuckled nervously.

"I was joking, Mr Munson" I squeezed his hand. "oh shit!"

"what?? What's wrong??" he wondered pulling into his driveway.

"this is where Max lives! I've been here a bunch of times" I laughed loudly.

"really??" he pulled the keys out of his car engine.

"yeah! I love these trailers. I always said how great it would be to have one of these" I grinned.

"well you're in luck" he smirked before exiting the car, me following shortly behind.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now