thirty seven)

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I headed to school the next morning as normal, hoping to see Eddie today which.. Is never a guarantee but all I can do is hope.

I couldn't believe that this was the last week before spring break.

In a couple weeks we're gonna graduate.

Holy shit.

"you're deep in thought" a Nancy Wheeler appeared in my view. "thinking of Eddie?"

"shut up" I shook my head, my cheeks reddening at the tease. "no. No I'm not"

"then what's on your mind, buttercup?? come on, auntie Nancy is here" she smiled, accompanying me through the school.

"it's just crazy that this is our last week before spring break. our last week of freedom before exams and.. graduating, I mean not for the kids but for us older guys, it's just.. It's crazy" I mumbled.

"it's all gonna be alright" the girl linked her arm with mine. "we've got maths first, right??"

I nodded, taking in the girls encouraging words and trying to keep them in my mind.

I pretty much blacked out the entire day until lunch time when I was sat at the table. The boys were all talking about DND when there was a slam on the table next to me, definitely making me jump out of my skin.

"I've been looking for you guys all day!"

Robin Buckley.

"you guys totally disappeared after the sleepover, we thought you died!" She exclaimed.

"chill, Robin. We just left, we didn't want to bother you. Anyway, we saw Harrington afterwards, we thought he'd tell you" Eddie mumbled.

"you guys.. are gonna kill me one day" she sighed as if she was out of breath, before sitting herself down opposite me.

"oh yeah! I forgot to ask about the sleepover, how did it go?" Dustin wondered.

"uneventful, but very fun" I smiled.

"uneventful?! What sleepover were you at??" Robin gawked at me.

"wh.. what does that mean?" Mike turned to me.

"okay so we played truth or dare and it started all innocent at the beginning like Nancy chugging her drunk and Jonathan saying who he'd have sex with out of the boys but then Steve really kicked it up a notch and these two totally kisse-"

"enough robin!" Eddie exclaimed, cutting her off.

"you guys kissed!?" Will turned to the boy at the end of the table.



"you kissed Eddie?" Dustin stared at me, I was worried at what he was thinking.

"it.. It was a dare" I mumbled.

"yeah, totally Steve's fault" Robin nodded.

Dustins mouth turned up into a small smile and turned away.



I think that was approval.

"why didn't you tell us, Man?" Gareth turned to Eddie who looked like he was on the verge of running away.

"cause it was a dare, I'm. I didn't think it mattered" his eyes bore holes in the plastic table.

"did you like it??" Mike snickered.

"I uh.. I'm gonna get some fresh air" I stood up quickly. "it's fucking hot in here"

I turned, letting a breath leave my body before rushing out of the cafeteria. I questioned whether I should go outside but instead chose the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirrors of the empty bathroom and splashed some water onto my face.

Fucking hell.

I lifted my head once more to see a head over my shoulder.

"fucking hell!" I exclaimed, very much startled.

I turned to the figure who did nothing but stare at me.

"get up" he ordered.

"what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"get on the counter" I didn't take a second before lifting myself up to sit in the bathroom counter.

He lightly slapped the side of my knee, hinting for me to open my legs.. which I did. He took a step towards me, positioning himself between my legs.

He placed his hands on my waist, pulling my body as close to his as possible.

He inspected my face, his hand caressing my cheeks.. down to my neck.. stopping at the collar of my tshirt.

I felt his other hand slowly make its way up my thigh, cold metal against my skin.

"Eddie.. " I called out.

He lifted his head and met my eyes.

"get up" he muttered, stepping back for me to jump down from the counter.

"turn around" which I did.

"bend over" which I.. wait what?

I looked at him from over my shoulder.

"bend over" I bit down on my bottom lip and bent my body over the counter, watching him in the mirror.

I felt his hands snake onto my waist, pulling his body towards me.

There was no space between us anymore.

"I'm gonna pull this up, okay?" he said quietly, feeling him tug at my skirt.

My mind filled with a million things.

I nodded softly, feeling the sudden cold air against my exposed skin.

"mm" he moaned softly.

There was silence for a few moments before I heard a metal clang against the floor.

Holy fuck.

"can I take these off?" he asked softly.


I looked at him in the mirror and nodded.

I felt as my underwear slowly slipped off of my body and to the floor.


My face couldn't help but burn up at the situation I was in.

"spread these a little" he slapped my inner thigh lightly.

And fuck.

I could've been done right then and there.

Widening my legs, I gasped at the sudden feeling of him against me.

I felt nervous.


Someone could walk in any second.

Someone could see us.

Our friends could see us.

I guess that's what makes it so exciting.

The thought also made me nervous.

Anything could happen.

But when he was pounding his body into mine.

Pulling on my hair.

Moaning my name.

His hands roaming wild.

"look how pretty you are when I fuck you"

"what a good girl you are"


I didn't care.

I didn't care in the slightest.

If this one thing this man can do..

If there's one thing Eddie Munson can do..

Eddie Munson can Fuck.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now