thirty one)

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"truth or dare??" Jonathan suggested, drink in hand as everyone stared in his direction.

Oh fuck.

I was hoping that everyone would be against the idea but once the tipsy screams filled the basement, I knew it was happening.

I turned to Eddie to see the same nervous look on his face.

"who wants to go first??" Robin asked quickly.

"well I think the host of honour should be the first to answer" Steve grinned.

"okay.. bring it on" Nancy smirked leaning her head on Jonathan's shoulder.

"truth or dare??" Eddie chimed in and asked.

"hmmm.. Dare" she replied confidently.

"I dare you to down the rest of that bottle" Eddie smirked.

"tame" Nancy snickered before doing what was told, the rest of the group cheering her on.

"woo!" she exclaimed, her boyfriend planting an almost proud kiss on her forehead. "okay okay.. Robin. truth or dare"

"truth" she spoke softly.

I could tell she also looked a little nervous.

"what is your biggest secret??" Nancy grinned.


"I.. uh.. um can I pick dare??" she chuckled nervously.

"not in the rules, Buckley" Nancy shook her head.

"okay.. um" she cleared her throat. "I.. like.. girls"

I held my breath.

The group sat still for a moment.

"Robin!" Nancy exclaimed before practically throwing herself at Robin in a hug. "that's so cool, thank you for telling us"

Robin chuckled as Nancy pulled away.

"proud of you, Buckley" Eddie nudged her shoulder with his fist. "didn't expect that in the slightest but that's super cool"

"thanks guys" she smiled.

We all turned to Jonathan who had yet to say anything.

"I don't know why you're looking at me. I like girls too" Jonathan shrugged before sipping on his drink once more. "proud of you, Rob"

"thanks Johnny boy" Robin chuckled at the boy. "okay! enough of being sappy, Jonathan"

She threw out her hand and pointed aggressively at the boy opposite her.

"fuck" Jonathan stared, eyes wide.

"truth or dare??" Robin smirked.

"truth.." he looked terrified.

"who would you go gay for, Eddie or Steve??" Robin giggled.

"oh god but you're both so sexy" he threw his head back in pure stress.

"don't worry, Byers. I won't be offended" Eddie threw his hands up.

"ah fuck... Eddie I'm sorry but considering I've known Steve longer and.. frankly he's more my type. I gotta say Steve" Jonathan crinkled his face in fear as the spoke.

"I'm.. deeply offended" Eddie sniffled dramatically before pretending to wipe a tear.

"more your type?" Steve and Nancy exclaimed in unison.

"okay, y/n!" Jonathan exclaimed, changing the subject.

"bring it on, Johnny" I smirked.

"truth or dare??" he asked.

good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now