⋆ in the night

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now playing in the night by the weeknd

y/n pov

Vinnie was driving the convert able car "Put the roof down!" I pestered him.

"We're on the highway?!" He looked concerned for me.

"Please, i'll repay you later." I smiled.

"Oh yeh? With what?" He smirked.

"Anything for you pretty boy." I smirked "Okay please put the roof down." He looked me and the his hand went to something. And he clicked a button and the roof of the car moved back. The night sky has stars. A clear night. The highway into LA. We went on a drive and now of course we're driving back. The wind suddenly hit me. Pushing all my hair back making it fly. I'm going to hate to brush the knots outs. I turned the volume of the song up and stood up. I held the seat with one hand and my other in the sky. I smiled whist closing my eyes looks in the sky.

"Please don't fall." Vinnie smiled look right at me he paused then said  "Hold your dress down." Vinnie put his hand on my leg to try stop it flying.

"It's fine!" I said. This time throwing both hands in the air as my hair was behind me and cars speeding past us "Drive faster." I shouted. I thought he wouldn't, but he did. He put his foot down and i screamed. That feels good. I noticed Vinnie look up right at me. Smiling. Smiling away.

vinnies pov

Fuck me she's cute. She's just pushing her hands through her hair and her dress is just flying around. She doesn't give two shits about what people think. I looked up at her again. Shes stood enjoying the moment. I put my foot down harder and drove straight she screamed. I began to laugh. I'm so flipping lucky to have her. Too lucky. Night like these are memorable. In the night she really is another person. Her hips swayed to the beat of the song playing and she looked at me. "I wish the car drove by itself." She spoke.

"Should I let go?" I laughed. She laughed too. God, her laugh. It's so damn beautiful.

"Please don't." she smiled and laughed.

So many cars passed up. A cop car passed us with their lights flashing ignoring the fact my girlfriend is stood up. The blue and red lights making her look perfect. She is so fucking perfect. She's mine. 

authors note

just abel and his songs>>

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