⋆ bad boy (two)

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y/n pov

The school day had ended and i was sat on my bed with my laptop open and my books scattered around me. I hadn't washed my hand of the ink. I looked down at my hand again. He left his  phone number on my  hand. I grabbed my phone from beside me and dialled the number. I felt the anxiety in me rise as the number went through.

"It's Vinnie who is this?" He sounded fed up. I bit my lower lip, do I just say 'hi'? "Hello?" He dragged the o.
"Hi." I got out "It's me. Y/n?" It was his turn to go silent, i carried on "You said call you."
"Can you meet me at the bridge by the cafe in like 10?" he asked "If you're free." I looked down at my books around me. I had an essay due tomorrow. 
"Yeh. I'm free." I smiled. I slid of my bed "I'll be there in 5." I heard him laugh lightly. I'm already rebelling for him.

vinnie's pov

I was leaning on the railing looking at the river below. I wanted to talk to her, say i'm sorry for being a dick. 

"Hey." I heard her my head turning to her. Oh fuck. She was so pretty. I could feel my heart beat faster, like when i drew on her hand. Could she sense i was tensed when i drew on her hand? Her eye colour was beautiful. Her smile, fuck me. That mouth. God. Stop it Vincent.

"Hey." I choked out looking at her. She had changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. "I just wanted to talk." I said tucking my phone in my pocket.


"Us." I said "And how much of an idiot i am to you. I know your still mad at me for ripping your essay up." I smirked going back looking at the river.

"I'll forever hate you for it." She said walking to me and leaning on the railing too.

"Figured" I laughed. Her lips turned up into a smile. I always wondered how she kissed someone. Let me tell you, it's always the quiet ones who are the dirtiest ones. I began to think of something i shouldn't have and felt the blood rush to my groin. "Fuck." I muttered.

"That it?" she asked.

"Im sorry." I said not looking at her knowing i'd lose control right now "I want a fresh start from you. How about that?"

She looked at me and i looked at her. "Apology accepted." I looked past her looking at the cafe.

"Coffee?" I asked.

"Im broke for coffee." She stated "I should start selling drugs." My eyes widened.

"Please don't, also i'll pay so come on." I quickly moved in front of her as we walked so she wouldn't see my fucking dick straining against my pants.

y/n pov

He payed for my coffee and we walked to his house. It was everything I did not expect. The house was beautiful and then we walked into his room. His clothes scattered on any free space. "It's a shit tip i know.." He jumped onto his bed.

The light from his window shone onto his face, it made him look so perfect. His curly blondish hair and his light brown eyes. His defined cheek bones and that tattoo on his neck, the one on his hands which probably went up his arms and on his chest. 

"Y/n?" He called out.

"Hm?" i hummed.

"Sit." He patted his bed for me to join him. He smiled a bit making my heart flutter. I tugged my shoes off and sat crossed legged on his bed. We just sat staring at each other. I want my kids to have his eye colour. "Did you like my drawing?" He asked referring to the skeleton drawing on my hand. I nodded watching my hair fall in front of my face. The room fell silent, i couldn't even hear breathing. Was i breathing? I took a deep breath in and bought myself to look up at him again.

"I like you." He whispered. Is he shy right now? Holy fuck. He's doing things to me. "Like you drive me insane. When you answer questions in class and get the answer right it's the only time i see you smile." 

The only time i see you smile. That made me smile.

"Please say something. Anything." He pleaded.

"You like me?"  I smiled.

"You're y/n? Right?" He laughed as i nodded.

"I like you too, asshole." I smiled "Kind of had a crush on you since we were 8. Lost hope after you ripped my paper up."  I felt my cheeks heat up after confessing that "Imagine if my mother knew i was falling for you. The bad boy." 

"I'm a bad boy?" He smirked "So that make you the good girl. The innocent-miss-know-it-all?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Do i have to ask for your consent to kiss you?" He said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. My head slowly nodded. "Okay y/n, can i kiss the fuck out you?" I nodded again and before i knew it, his lips touched mine and his hand slid onto my cheek. His other hand was on my waist pulling me closer to him. It wasn't a fast kiss like in those movies but it was gentle like he was scared to hurt me even tho he said 'kiss the fuck out of you.' He broke the kiss to get some air.

 "I've never kissed a boy before." I whispered.

"You've kissed a girl?" He sounded shocked. It was a dare at a sleepover, when my mother let me out the house with my own free will. I nodded in reply to his answer. "Damn y/n your not oh so innocent. Let me guess, a girl sleepover?" He paused pulling me onto his lap making me gasp "Want to tell me what else you did pretty girl?" He whispered his mouth hovering over mine.

authors note

im a bit late in writing this but
yk school is so shit rn and all so
im sorry. also rip to lizzie it was her
funeral today, lowkey loved her sm.

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