⋆ just us

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daughter name: Adeline (addy)

son name: Aaron

Vinnies pov

I was sat on the grass watching my wife and daughter chase one another. Adeline let out a loud squeal followed by laughing as she picked her up and spun her around. The 4 year old clung to her mother scared to fall. Both girls laughing away. I felt a stir in my arms and as i looked down i saw my eyes looking back at me. A mini me. That's what y/n said. 

"Morning sleepy head." I kissed his head. My arms clung to his small body while the girls played. y/n always wanted a kid, never 2 but he just happened and we went along with it.

"Hey Addy!" I spoke loudly so she could hear "Aaron is awake." Both the girls in the distance turned around and ran to me. They were both in similar dresses, both white with spaghetti straps but the dresses were just above their knees. She had her mother hair. It suits her. 

"Hi." She said leaning on my knee "little brother" 

Little brother. I looked up at y/n and there was a huge smile on her face as she opened the picnic basket and began setting it up. Little perfectionist.

"Can i hold him?" Addy looked up at me with her mother eyes. How the heck could i say no? I nodded as she sat closer to me. I handed her the baby still holding him just in case. The white baby wrap was around his keeping him warm as a light breeze hit up. Her eyes were glued to her little brother. 

"How about we put him on the big blanket?" Y/n said placing a blanket on the grass. Addy nodded letting me put him down. "He's gotten so big." Y/n whispered. I looked at her. She looked at me. 

"I wish he could stay small forever and ever and ever." Addy added in. She crawled onto the blanket and i sat behind Aaron. Y/n sat next to me placing her head on my shoulder.

"We're perfect." Y/n smiled "It's everything i wanted. You're everything i've wanted Vin."

"I love you." I kissed her head.

"I love you more." I felt her smile even if i wasn't looking at her.

"I love you too!" Addy said hugging us both "And Aaron." She had a huge grin on her face making us all laugh. She's right, we're god damn perfect.

authors note

imagines ⋆ vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now