⋆ dating (two)

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what dating vinnie hacker is like
part 2

him being close to your sibling
'i think your siblings like me.'
'vin, they like anyone'

vinnie's aftercare (yep)
'how about a soak?''
'that would fucking be great.'

him buying you a million books whenever
'which one is it?'
'that one!'

'the love hypothesis. sounds good.'

him teaching you how to play volaront
'then click this and you shoot.''
i am a murder vin.'
it's only a game it okay y/n'

hugging you 25/8
'i love you''
i love you more vin, now let go of me.'

y/n teaching him how to bake
'you literally just need to mix it vin'
'my arm hurts'
'oh god, pass me it.'

going to concerts together
'can you see?''
yep. HOLY FUCK ITS (your fave artist)'
vinnie laughing at you

authors note

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