⋆ almost died (two)

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⋆ y/n pov

As I entered my bedroom I placed my phone onto charge and headed into the shower. After almost dying and then standing in the rain, a shower felt right along side some well needed therapy.Minutes later I left the bathroom a towel wrapped around my body, my arms clinging to it. I sat on my bed grabbing my phone

Unknown number

It's me?
Aka boy who almost killed you?

My eyes widened at the text not expecting a text this quick. It had only been an hour and thirty since everything.

Vinnie right?

That's me, y/n.

I looked at my name he typed out. I felt a smile form on my face. I changed the name on my phone to Vinnie and then placed it back down. After sitting for a few seconds thinking of what to type back i picked it up again.

you almost killed me.

i want retribution.

Just get your car and run me over.

i'd thank you.

seen 08:21pm

I scoffed at my phone trying to ignore the warm pit in my stomach. A few hours passed and now i was changed sat in my living room as adventure time played in the background. I was slouched against the couch as i felt my phone buzz near me. I grabbed it seeing his name on my screen. I placed my phone back and continued watching the tv. 

A few days later

Days had passed since the incident, me and vinnie had talked now and then.  I carried on with life as normal. I looked down at my phone expecting another text from him. I sent him a text and hour ago, replying to his how are you? i was sat in my bedroom waiting. I must look insane waiting for a reply like a 14 year old. 


My phone began to rang pulling me out of my sleep. I had fallen asleep on the couch. I grabbed my phone, it lighting my entire living room up. My eyes blurred trying to adjust to the brightness of my phone. My finger accepted the call coming through not looking at the name.

"I can't stop thinking about you." the voice said.

authors note

lol? i jst planned the first
part of this to be an actual 
Story so ig look out for that?

Also this is short i apologise. 

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