⋆ baking

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y/n pov

I had set the flour, eggs, sugar and a few other things needed to make a cake, on the island in the middle of my kitchen.  

"Your baking?" Vinnie smiled walking into the kitchen shirtless.

"We are baking." I pointed a finger between me and him "Get here my love." He almost instantly listened to me and had an apron on. 

"You look cute today." He said tying my long hair up into a low pony "What if your hair still fall's into the batter? I think we might have to buzz cut it." I slapped his hand.

"No." I held the whisk in my hand and pointed it at him "Hand me the flour."

I looked down at the weighing scale and the bowl on it. "Here." He said and i put my hand out for it. I looked up an he was holding a flower from the vase. I couldn't help but smile so much.  "What?" He tilted his head a bit "Baby, take the flower."

"No my love, the other flour. The white one in a bag." I bit the inside of my mouth to stop  myself from laughing and smiling. He handed me it and we began to measure the flour in. He cracked a few eggs and placed them in the bowl along with the sugar and other things. He was whisking it. Shirtless and had an apron on. He was so pretty. So hot. Then there was me. I was in his huge black shirt and shorts on. Even his socks were big for my feet. I jumped onto the counter watching him whisk it all up.

I dipped my finger into the bowl and tasted it.

"Hey, your gonna get ill eating raw shit." He grabbed my hand "Don't do that again." He couldn't be serious around. He broke out laughing a second later. His laugh was so soft.

"But it taste's nice." I began to swing my feet. He looked at me as he greased the tin for the batter.  He then dipped his finger into and tasted it and ever so slightly i could see his eyes light up. "Fuck." He whispered "That is nice." 

I poured the batter into the tin and put it into the oven for 30 mins. I began to tidy things up and put the dirty dishes into the sink. I put aside all the ingredients and carried the flour back to a draw. "Fuck fuck fuck." I whispered noticing i bumped into vinnie making some of the flour go onto him. 

"It's so on." He smirked grabbing the bag out my hand and taking a handful out the flour out.

"Vincent. No." I backed away smiling.

"Yes y/n. yes." He walked towards me making me sprint around the house. Then i felt something hit me. I turned to see he had thrown it. 

"Oh you twat." I chased after him. I was no holding the  bag of flour.

"Reminder. You tip that. You clean it." He said cornered up

"Fine by me." I said tipping it on him. The flour fell everywhere. There was flour dust in the air. I felt hands wrap around my waist pulling me in. I bought my hand up and wiped the flour of his face. "Sorry." 

"Don't be, that was fun." He said sliding his hand up the shirt. His lips met mine. We were both covered in flour. His hands went onto my face. Then a beeping noise went of. The timer for the cake. "Get that i'll clean this up." I whispered backing of his lips. His body moved from in front to the oven.

a few min later

"When do we get to do that all over again?" Vinnie said kissing my cheek.

"When do you want to?" I said taking my fork and eating the cake.

"Tomorrow and the next day and the next and till we are grey and old." I could feel his smile pressed onto my cheek.

authors note
so cute could never be me

imagines ⋆ vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now