⋆ fuck you

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y/n pov

His arms wrapped tighter around my waist as he pulled me in. He let out a soft hum. I could feel a smile form on my face as i fiddled around with the ring on my ring finger. His hand brushed over my stomach and found my hand. That tingly feeling in my stomach grew more and more. I turn my head ever so slowly to see him smiling at me. "Morning my wife." he smiled.

"Morning husband." I whispered as i turned my body to look at him. I took my hand under my head and slid it under my pillow feeling the cold metal. The handle and the sharp end. "How did you sleep husband." I kissed his nose. How did i get myself into this

He nodded "Good, what about you?" he asked as i nodded. 

The knife under my pillow didn't dig into the mattress. Good. It had been strapped to my thigh the entire wedding yesterday. Imagine if we fucked he would have saw it and i would be dead. I slowly brought my hand down dragging the knife with me as his eyes closed. 

My hands were under the covers. I looked down and pointed it at his stomach. "I wouldn't do that." He whispered pointing a gun at my heart. A loud gasp left my mouth. Shit. Oh my fucking gosh.

"Shocked?" he smiled. I just glared at him. I never liked him i just married him to fucking kill him. He's pissed me off ever since I've known him. My family does. I hate him. 

"No." I sat up as his gun followed me "Just annoyed really." I said pulling my shirt of leaving me in shorts and a bra "Annoyed." I repeated. I pulled down my shorts leaving me in my underwear. I felt eyes move of me as i pulled out a sundress. 

"y/n." he spoke "Why did you marry me." I turned around to see him looking at me. 

"To fucking carve your heart out and spoon feed it to your mother as i carved her's out." I said brushing my hair "Because your all bastards."

"What?" he got up annoyed "Fuck you." I laughed "I think we did that when we were drunk a few weeks ago." 

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imagines ⋆ vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now